Organization Kanazawa University

1 organization

1.1 faculties (former undergraduate programs)
1.2 colleges (undergraduate programs)
1.3 graduate schools

faculties (former undergraduate programs)

kanazawa university has 8 faculties (学部).

faculty of literature (文学部)
faculty of education (教育学部)
faculty of law (法学部)
faculty of economics (経済学部)
faculty of science (理学部)
faculty of engineering (工学部)
faculty of medicine (医学部)
faculty of pharmaceutical sciences (薬学部)

colleges (undergraduate programs)

kanazawa university has 3 colleges (学域) , 16 schools (学類) undergraduate programs.

college of human , social sciences (人間社会学域)

school of humanities (人文学類)
school of law (法学類)
school of economics (経済学類)
school of teacher education (学校教育学類)
school of regional development studies (地域創造学類)
school of international studies (国際学類)

college of science , engineering (理工学域)

school of mathematics , physics (数物科学類)
school of chemistry (物質化学類)
school of mechanical engineering (機械工学類)
school of electrical , computer engineering (電子情報学類)
school of environmental design (環境デザイン学類)
school of natural system (自然システム学類)

college of medical, pharmaceutical , health sciences (医薬保健学域)

school of medicine (医学類)
school of pharmacy (薬学類)
school of pharmaceutical sciences (創薬科学類)
school of health sciences (保健学類)

graduate schools

graduate school of education (大学院教育学研究科)
graduate school of human , socio-environment studies (大学院人間社会環境研究科)
law school (大学院法務研究科)
graduate school of natural science , technology (大学院自然科学研究科)
graduate school of medical science (大学院医学系研究科)


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