Views Robert G. Rabil


1.1 salafi jihadism , west
1.2 syria
1.3 syrian rebellion
1.4 iraq
1.5 islamist terrorism in europe
1.6 burkini , religion
1.7 u.s. foreign policy

salafi jihadism , west

rabil maintains war against islamist extremism war against triumphalist religious ideology cloaks in sanctity of sacred , history of authentic islam.

in book salafism in lebanon rabil asserts central salafism forthcoming fateful battle between muslim believers , nonbelievers, in saved sect of islam (salafists) emerge victorious, , denunciation of weakness of muslim ummah (community of believers) result of muslims deviation faith.

in review, joseph alagha concludes, rabil provides excellent introduction history of salafism in explains doctrine disputes shi‘a islam. provides key historical background helps explain made northern city of tripoli citadel of salafism in lebanon. in first chapter, rabil chronicles salafist ideology , socio-political changes in order contextualize major developments , transformations shape transnational movement. elucidates, in excellent detail, salafism’s 3 schools: quietist, haraki (activist) , salafi-jihadi, embraced, respectively, sheikh sa‘d al-din al- kibbi, sheikh zakariya al-masri , ‘usbat al-ansar. though share in common principle of creating society grounded in emulation of methodology (manhaj) of pious ancestors (al-salaf al-salih), these schools disagree on how bring ideal society or best political order. in exposing ideological underpinnings of 3 schools, rabil meticulously underscores basic principles of salafism tensions, incongruities , divergences inherent in movement, in regard approach politics. insights intellectual fusion of muslim brotherhood’s political culture , wahhabist doctrine occurred in saudi arabia’s universities underscores politicization of wahhabi-salafists .

rabil concludes book on cautionary note, underscoring ‘although salafists share basic principles have divergent , contradictory ideologies , tendencies, share collective identity based on creed , mission purge islam foreign accretions , create ideal islamic community. regardless whether quietist, activist or salafi-jihadi, have collectively consolidated salafi identity, increasing emotional distance between them , rest of population’ (244). such, book demonstrates why salafism poses ideological concrete threat both lebanon’s plural society , rest of region.

rabil argues authoritarian or totalitarian muslim rulers have challenged triumphalist ideology, fear of being further delegitimized impious muslims. goes on problem west in relationship large part of muslim world triumphalist religious ideology more or less left unchallenged muslim rulers . many wonder if triumphalist mindset, abhors power , belief system of west, can peacefully coexist western nations. rabil concludes western political leaders have blighted misconceiving nature of threat , turning blind eye muslim allies fight against islamist extremism mere façade.


throughout extensive research on syria , asad regime, dr. rabil maintained asad regime, despite pan-arab rhetoric, sacrificed arab nationalism on altar of regime’s national interest , survival. underscored asad regime understands language of violence in addressing form of dissent. argued united states had ambivalent relationship asad regime until invasion of iraq.

carsten wieland, in reviewing dr. rabil’s work syria, united states , war on terror in middle east, wrote “as author points out, us-syrian relations have experienced many ups , downs. after world war ii, had equally relationship syria israel. rivalry began cold war , arab nationalist perception of israel colonial entity. turning point came in 1967, when crystallized israel s faithful ally , soviet union became main arms supplier syria , egypt. in mid-1970s, after secretary of state henry kissinger had mediated disengagement plan on golan heights, atmosphere between united states , syria became friendlier again. in 1975, syria s foreign minister abdul halim khaddam received @ white house, , united states granted loans , aid syria. ford , carter administrations champions of approach, gave washington leverage influence both sides of conflict. changed when syria appeared on state department s terrorism list in 1979, leading economic sanctions. policymakers believed syria played pivotal role in region. led ambivalent attitude toward syria...terrorism drove countries apart , @ same time brought them together: syria helped broker several deals free hostages lebanese shi , palestinian terrorists in 1980s , 1990s… in 2002, state department conceded syria not directly involved in international terrorist attacks since 1986. congress remained unimpressed long syria harbored palestinian organizations on soil. relationship remained contradictory: [...] inasmuch united states wanted punish syria involvement in terrorism, united states needed syria s in dealing terrorism, writes rabil (p. 77). continued after 9/11, when syrian intelligence shared valuable information al-qa ida members , helped save american lives. after death of hafiz al-asad, 9/ 11 attacks, , syria s staunch opposition iraq war dynamics of us-syrian relations changed considerably , syria became part of extended axis of evil. rabil writes: ironically, senior al-asad had sacrificed arab nationalism @ altar of syria s national interest in general , regime security in particular, syrian leadership today has been advancing arab nationalism objective of countering plans in region (p. 135). against background of israel-hizbullah war of july 2006, rabil s book reads preparation understand present dynamics. rabil holds washington needs articulate syrian strategy (p. 198). speaks of dying regime in damascus warns against miscalculated or hubris-laden campaign against syria, lead anarchy in country , promote new fertile ground terrorism. once more torpedo washington s anti-terrorism agenda in middle east. rabil has written dispassionate , scrupulously researched account of middle eastern dynamics lie @ center of today s urgent challenges. unlike other books have been written syria , foreign policy, work stands out in in-depth treatment of ideological , socio-political conditions in region. credit, rabil not view levant through lens of policy; consequently, title of book narrower author s actual perspective.”

syrian rebellion

notwithstanding fact critical of syrian regime , supported moderate syrian opposition, dr. rabil on recognized ignorance , naivete’ regional , international actors dealt syrian crisis. endemic belief asad regime, similar of other arab regimes, collapse in matter of months unwise. in response, in august 2011, wrote article “damascus dummies,” in argued “as syrian regime of bashar al-asad continues brutal crackdown on unrelenting syrian revolutionaries, debate on syria in washington has reached feverish crescendo. sober analysis seems going out window. 5 things should know syria:

1) syrian regime similar mafia regime, al-asads corleone family. has directly , indirectly used terrorism means of state policy enhance country s pan-arab confrontational credentials. violence main language used regime in dealing adversaries. significantly, government helped create underground in both lebanon , syria in terrorism thrives in relation protean definition of regime-security survival, ranging pan-arabism sectarianism. regime has supported cross-sectarian radical, islamist , nationalist organizations, such palestinian front liberation of palestine-general command (pflp-gc) , hezbollah, terrorist bidding. kidnapping , recent release of 6 estonians in lebanon s beka valley pflp-gc on mistaken grounds americans reflect underground terror network syrian regime established in lebanon. aggregate capacity inflict damage greater absolute institutional power.

2) notion regime relies on or controlled inner core of alawi security barons misleading. true, senior figures around bashar, such brother maher , brother-in-law assef shawkat, wield significant power; yet sheer alawi base of regime goes beyond circle. despite grievances, 4 major alawi tribes, al-kalbiyyah, al-haddadin, al-matawirah , al-khayatin, still support regime. moreover, powerful former , current security figures , families, such ali duba , muhammad nassif, play major clandestine roles in syria s security apparatus. example, sons , relatives of these powerful figures monitored recent syrian opposition meeting in turkey. besides fighting survival, these alawi tribes , figures may under circumstances retreat historical nusayri mountain , hinterland , establish de facto alawi state. significantly, 1 should not discount reemergence of alawi irredentist impulse if country descends sectarian strife. none other bashar s grandfather petitioned france alawi state during mandate on syria.

3) syrian regime has cultivated strong communal , political relations iran , shi community in lebanon, led hezbollah. besides supporting alawi community sister twelver shi community, neither iran nor hezbollah see regime change in syria, heighten vulnerabilities. correspondingly, not have established strong presence in damascus; have managed wield influence on both governments of iraq , lebanon, in interest of supporting syrian regime. in response, saudi arabia , allies in lebanon have begun supporting sunni majority syrian opposition, including shipping arms them. result, sectarian tensions have spilled on lebanon, further polarizing sunni-shi relations throughout region. damascus has emerged battleground between iran , allies on 1 side, , saudi arabia , allies on other.

4) minorities in syria, christians, druzes , ismailis, have, broadly speaking, taken position transition democracy should peaceful. not joining opposition, have strengthened hand of regime continue heavy-handed policies. these minorities, christians, worried future, given worrisome fate of coreligionists in iraq , in egypt not encouraging.

5) outcome of applying rigorous sanction regime against syria cannot effective without addressing organized smuggling. example, kurds of iraq made mockery of sanction regime against saddam hussein government in 1990s smuggling iraqi oil turkey. currently, have been smuggling refined oil iran undermining international sanctions against tehran. absent agreement kurds, u.s. should expect same syria in event international sanctions placed against syrian oil industry.

as salafi-jihadi organizations, including isis , al-nusra, came control syrian opposition , once russia became militarily involved in syria in support of asad regime, dr. rabil supported u.s. cooperation russia necessary prevent further chaos in middle east. sure, russia has played vital role in syria, not making moscow’s participation in negotiated settlement indispensable, leading way in trying broker , set cease fire agreements , de-escalating conflict zones, respectively. dr. rabil wrote “unfortunately, american discourse on relationship russia has been affected russian meddling in presidential campaign , american bureaucracy’s historically deep suspicion of moscow. corollary has been shift toward adopting hardline position towards russia irrespective of sober analysis of fluid situation in syria. struggle syria has long crossed boundaries of country , has become regional , international struggle settle sectarian , geopolitical scores , subsequently shape new regional order. unless united states introduces significant number of ground troops , imposes in syria, inescapably face multifaceted challenges more deadly united states faced during occupation of iraq. true, leadership of assad regime needs face international reckoning; nevertheless, under these circumstances, neither syrians nor americans find solace, safety or justice.”


iraq dr. rabil, in capacity project manager of iraq research , documentation project, examined thousands of iraqi official documents. he, in principle, supported removal of saddam hussein on basis of oppressive totalitarian order created in iraq. explained “building on past experience, saddam asserted rule combining system of generous rewards , harsh punishments relentless drive exploit iraq’s divisions , forging symbiosis of tribal traditions, ba’th doctrine , personality cult. saddam not unique person comprehensive , methodical procedures of oppression unique. based survival on regime’s ability atomize iraq’s civil society, including family unit, , in turning many iraqis accomplices , oppressors. these formed class of own irrespective of ethnic , religious affiliation , included saddam’s willing , unwilling executioners. while latter participated in saddam’s misdeeds under pressure , distress, former, represented security forces, ready , bold participants.” underscored “harsh methods employed in operation codenamed termination of traitors, ordered president saddam hussein , leading better-known anfal campaign. three-phase effort designed not deal final blow kurdish rebellion ensure no such uprising took place in future. campaign’s aim conscious , deliberate murder of large numbers of kurds regardless of gender, age, or civilian status. chemical weapons used against them. special bureaucracy created carry out operation , meticulously detail every action taken. these activities spanned gamut “collectivizing” families of “saboteurs”, detaining them, creating dossiers on them, , marking them death. purpose, regime mobilized wide range of officials lowest- highest-ranking. sketched in minute detail in mass of official documents examined research open window regime’s inner workings, nature , modus operandi.” nevertheless, dr. rabil suspicious , concerned way in pentagon envisioned new post-saddam iraq. had issues american support of ahmad chalabi-led iraqi opposition; dismantling ba’th party , iraqi army; , deploying less enough american troops occupy iraq.

islamist terrorism in europe

dr. rabil argued muslim extremists have exploited european liberalism. wrote “the problem, however, goes beyond fending off terror acts or revising counterterrorism strategies. problem how reverse decades-long policies of promoting unbridled multiculturalism allowed ideologies of islamism , salafism permeate inchoate european muslim society, thereby militating against creation of european islam free ideological baggage exported conservative , islamist individuals, groups , governments. extent problem has been difficult gauge lies squarely in haughty—yet self-loathing—contemporary thought of west, has prevented civilized , honest critique of islam’s inability reform perversions.” dr. rabil believes london, other european capitals, has been complacent in curbing missionary activities of islamist , salafist organizations, dissociate violence yet promote ideological path violence. argued “ominously, these salafist missionaries, of whom supported arab gulf countries, begin da’wa (propagation of islam) effort geared not towards recognition of islam in france, rather towards revival of practice of islam, according ideology, among muslims. next, promote legal theory meant resolve conflicts , issues facing muslims within context of muslim jurisprudence muslims retain identity. meanwhile, underscore ideology of salafism acceptable manjah (methodology) living muslim. has served place muslim (salafi) identity above others , indirectly promoted agenda of salafi-jihadi organizations, al qaeda, isis or ansar al-shari’a.” dr. rabil asserts “europe needs shape european islam in line western culture , mores, , therefore must not shy confronting islamism, salafism , apologists.”

burkini , religion

dr. rabil argued “wearing or banning burkini or veil can debated on grounds of human rights, stigmatization of muslims in western society, decorum, , spread of islamic , islamist values. nevertheless, undeniable fact burkini, niqab, burqa , veil, other conservative traditions, more or less product of religio-social mores defined , shaped exclusively conservative muslim males.” explains “to sure, advent of modern era , nationalism, muslim women , progressive men fought strictness of classical conservatism. women championed emancipation in as struggled fatherlands’ independence. nationalist secular rule in arab countries more or less helped improve status of women. however, arab society limped anemic political state, conservative voices re-emerged , emphasized equality of sexes in islam, conditioned equality on divinely decreed differences of natures. conservatives (and islamists) asserted god created sexes mutually complementary halves. whereas gave decisive will, power of reason, , physical strength man, endowed woman compassion, sensitivity , caring. in sense, woman-as-rib tradition reappears in context whereby woman’s preponderance of emotions on rationality defined place in muslim society. in other words, notion of secluding women remained valid essential raising children. conservatives , islamists alike have frowned upon principle of gender equality in public sphere. attitude, gathered momentum decline of nationalism , rise of islamism, dovetailed neatly unchallenged conservative interpretation of koran. more specifically, koran, divine revelation determined sacred mandate mankind, has been interpreted conservative men of religion exclusion of female participation… exclusion of female voice in interpreting koran has served perpetuation , entrenchment of conservative values , traditions in muslim society.”

he posits “so when muslim scholars assert wearing veil or burkini women’s relationship god , wearing veil obligatory according predominant scholarly opinion, perpetuating misconceived islamic notions , doing great disservice progressiveness of muslim females in oriental , occidental muslim societies.”

u.s. foreign policy

dr. rabil embraces realist/pragmatist approach u.s. foreign policy, resting on securing u.s. national interests reconciling celebration of america’s universal values , exceptional nature recognition of reality of other states’ histories, cultures , politics.


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