Filming House of Cards (season 2)

there controversy regarding filming @ national mall in washington, d.c.

on august 3, house of cards going film presidential motorcade @ national mall in washington, d.c. @ 3 pm. however, chief of police cathy l. lanier of metropolitan police department of district of columbia (mpd) revoked permits morning. mpd spokesperson explained metropolitan police department not lead agency on presidential motorcades , did not want portray ourselves such . result, production crews did last minute filming of desired scenes in baltimore. next day, mayor of district of columbia vincent gray stated there confusion on role mpd play in filming. spokesperson office stated mpd not going rent out extras film ... s mpd s decision focused on. re not going actors. on october 2, issues resolved , motorcade filmed planned without mpd personnel actively participate in filming .

in august, several areas in harford county used filming season 2, including areas in bel air , edgewood. havre de grace had been used in season 1 depict underwood s home district in south carolina. liriodendron mansion scene of filming on august 12 , 13. bel air police paid $1550 august 13 duties @ filming location.

although there reports filming largely completed october 1, willimon tweeted on date had finished writing season finale. willimon , others tweeted filming completed on november 8. following week, house of cards workers got involved in typhoon haiyan relief efforts.

according october 10 story in huffington post, executive producer rick cleveland stated believed season 2 final season because both spacey , wright prefer act in movies in television. however, willimon remained optimistic show continue. baltimore sun reporter, david zurawik contested journalistic process of huffington post report because says modi wiczyk, ceo of media rights capital, company produces house of cards, told him shocked if there wasn t [a season 3, 4 , 5] . few weeks later, netflix s chief content officer ted sarandos confirmed netflix had earnest interest in continuing house of cards beyond second season.


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