Selected writings Johann Elert Bode

section of plate uranographia showing constellation orion

1768 (10th ed. 1844) anleitung zur kentniss des gestirnten himmels (the famous of bode s writings. in work, first announced bode s law.)
1774-1957 berliner astronomisches jahrbuch für 1776–1959 (the astronomical yearbook published berlin observatory.)
1776 sammlung astronomischer tafeln (3 vols.)
1776 (3rd ed. 1808) erläuterung der sternkunde, introductory book on constellations , tales, reprinted more ten times
1782 vorstellung der gestirne ... des flamsteadschen himmelsatlas (bode s revised , enlarged edition of fortin s small star atlas of flamsteed.)

verzeichniss (containing above star atlas, , including 5,058 stars observed flamsteed, hevelius, t. mayer, de la caille, messier, le monnier, darquier , bode himself.)

1801 uranographia sive astrorum descriptio (a large star atlas illustrated twenty copper plates.)

allgemeine beschreibung und nachweisung der gestirne (a star catalogue listing 17,240 stars.)

his works highly effective in diffusing throughout germany taste astronomy.


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