2010 census Neshkoro, Wisconsin

looking south @ sign neshkoro on wis73

as of census of 2010, there 434 people, 205 households, , 119 families residing in village. population density 215.9 inhabitants per square mile (83.4/km). there 230 housing units @ average density of 114.4 per square mile (44.2/km). racial makeup of village 97.7% white, 0.7% native american, 0.7% asian, , 0.9% 2 or more races. hispanic or latino of race 4.6% of population.

there 205 households of 20.0% had children under age of 18 living them, 48.8% married couples living together, 6.3% had female householder no husband present, 2.9% had male householder no wife present, , 42.0% non-families. 36.6% of households made of individuals , 18.1% had living alone 65 years of age or older. average household size 2.12 , average family size 2.76.

the median age in village 49.2 years. 18.4% of residents under age of 18; 6.2% between ages of 18 , 24; 17.6% 25 44; 34.1% 45 64; , 23.7% 65 years of age or older. gender makeup of village 48.8% male , 51.2% female.


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