Structural adaptations of myrmecophytes Myrmecophyte
1 structural adaptations of myrmecophytes
1.1 domatia
1.2 food bodies
1.3 extrafloral nectaries
structural adaptations of myrmecophytes
tuber on myrmecodia tuberosa.
domatia internal plant structures appear adapted habitation ants. these cavities found in stems, leaves, , spines of plants. many different genera of plants offer domatia. plants of acacia genus have of recognized forms of domatia , offer of best examples of ant-plant obligate mutualism. different species of acacia provide variety of resources needed codependent counterparts. 1 of these resources need shelter. acacia have enlarged thorns on stems excavated ants use housing structures. since tree contains nest, these aggressive ants react disturbance of tree, providing myrmecophyte defense grazing herbivores , encroaching vines.
domatia can found within tubers of plants. tubers form when hypocotyls of seedling swells form hollow, chambered structure can become inhabited ants. rubiaceae family of plants contains commonly known tuberous myrmecophyte, myrmecodia.
enlarged thorns , beltian bodies on acacia.
food bodies
some plants produce food bodies use other organisms. these small epidermal structures contain variety of nutrients removed , consumed foragers. food bodies identified main nutrient contain , genus of plant producing them. beltian bodies found on leaflet tips of acacia plants , have relatively high protein content. beccarian bodies found on young leaves of macaranga genus , rich in lipids. lipids main nutrient found in pearl bodies, found on leaves , stems of ochroma plants. ant inhabitants of cecropia plants harvest last type of food body, primary food source. remarkably these müllerian bodies, found on stalk of leaf, glycogen. glycogen principal storage carbohydrate found in animals , extremely rare in plants.
extrafloral nectaries on petiole of prunus avium leaf.
extrafloral nectaries
extrafloral nectaries sugar-producing glands found outside flower structures of plants. occur in many different plant species around world , commonly associated vegetative structures not have nectaries, such leaves, stems, , twigs. these secreting structures non-exclusive in nectar can taken variety of animals; however, in obligate myrmecophyte plants such acacia collinsii, extrafloral nectar modified attractive ant partners in symbiosis. nectar provided feeds ants, in turn protect these myrmecophytes herbivorous activity. species of deciduous tree displays extrafloral nectaries, catalpa speciosa, shows decreased loss of leaf tissue on branches protected ants, , increase in number of seeds produced.
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