Iraq United States propaganda comics

1 iraq

1.1 iraqi freedom/nation building comic books
1.2 sixth brigade 2008
1.3 iraqi police comic book psyop

iraqi freedom/nation building comic books

iraqi freedom/nation building comic books program originated united states central command. aspiration of comics create respect , harmony between iraqi forces (police , military) , iraqi civilians, children.

sixth brigade 2008

cover page of 6th brigade comic

sixth brigade comic book series has been put forth u.s. government in 2008. comic s purpose improve relationship between u.s. military , iraqi forces iraqi civilians while creating support , increased communication. secondary cause to

highlight professionalism of iraqi special operations forces (isof) , enhance public perception of iraqi security forces (isf) capable, well-trained, , professional fighting force iaw information operations objectives...

in response changing format of superhero characters, sixth brigade took collective superhero approach in connecting audience, outlined in army training guide:

the sixth brigade elite soldiers of iraqi special forces. fight insurgents , evil leaders support iraqi nationalism. superpowers based on teamwork conquests terrorism. show fighting iraq soldier defines honor , patriotism.

the lincoln group received contract produce , publish sixth brigade comics goal of 12 issues , 60,000 copies per issue.

iraqi police comic book psyop

the iraqi police comic book produced information operation 4th military information support group in 2005. comic written in arabic , targeted iraqi youth. in targeting youth, comics seek create respect , honor iraqi police. in building iraqi police through exemplifying respect , honor, comic seeks recruit iraqi youth police force. comic demonstrates mission , principles of iraqi police force, thereby making worthy service engages in noble activity. beyond recruitment, comics, provides opportunity iraqi youth learn lessons, develop role models , improve education.


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