Second and Third English Civil Wars (1648–51) Henrietta Maria of France

henrietta maria s court in exile based @ st-germain-en-laye, shown here c.1660 in etching israel silvestre.

with support of french government, henrietta maria settled in paris, appointing chancellor, eccentric sir kenelm digby, , forming royalist court in exile @ st-germain-en-laye. during 1646 there talk of prince charles joining henrietta maria in paris; henrietta maria , king keen, prince advised not go, portray him catholic friend of france. after continued failure of royalist efforts in england, agreed join mother in july 1646.

henrietta maria increasingly depressed , anxious in france, attempted convince charles accept presbyterian government in england means of mobilising scottish support re-invasion of england , defeat of parliament. in december 1647, horrified when charles rejected 4 bills offered him parliament peace settlement. charles had secretly signed engagement scots, however, promising presbyterian government in england exception of charles own household. result second civil war, despite henrietta maria s efforts send limited military aid, ended in 1648 defeat of scots , charles capture parliamentary forces.

in france, meanwhile, hothouse atmosphere had developed amongst royal court in exile @ château de saint-germain-en-laye. henrietta maria had been joined wide collection of royalist exiles, including henry wilmot, george digby, henry percy, john colepeper , charles gerard. queen s court beset factionalism, rivalry , dueling; henrietta maria had prevent prince rupert fighting duel digby, arresting them both, however, unable prevent later duel between digby , percy, , between rupert , percy shortly after that.

king charles executed parliament in 1649; death left henrietta maria destitute , in shock, situation not helped french civil war of fronde, left henrietta maria s nephew king louis xiv short of money himself. henrietta maria no longer queen queen mother young king charles ii. during ensuing, , final, third english civil war whole of royalist circle based st-germain, queen mother s followers being joined old royalist circle had been charles ii @ hague, including ormonde , inchiquin , clarendon, whom particularly disliked. quarrelled ormonde: when said if had been trusted king in england, ormonde, usual bluntness, retorted if had never been trusted king need never have left england. co-location began bring factions together, henrietta maria s influence waning. in 1654, charles ii moved court on cologne, eliminating remaining influence of queen mother in st-germain.

henrietta maria increasingly focused on faith , on children, henrietta (whom called minette ), james , henry. henrietta maria attempted convert both princes james , henry catholicism, attempts henry angering both royalists in exile , charles ii. henriette, however, brought catholic. henrietta maria had founded convent @ chaillot in 1651, , lived there of 1650s.


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