Process Iowa caucuses

1 process

1.1 democratic party process
1.2 republican party process
1.3 2004 democratic process
1.4 2008 process
1.5 2012 process
1.6 2016 process


a 2008 democratic caucus meeting in iowa city, iowa

the iowa caucus operates differently more common primary election used other states (see u.s. presidential primary). caucuses defined gatherings of neighbors. rather going polls , casting ballots, iowans gather @ set location in each of iowa s 1,681 precincts. typically, these meetings occur in schools, churches, public libraries , individuals houses. caucuses held every 2 years, ones receive national attention presidential preference caucuses held every 4 years. in addition voting , presidential preference choices, caucus-goers begin process of writing parties’ platforms introducing resolutions.

beginning 2012 presidential election, iowa switched old winner-take-all allocation proportional allocation. change made prolong race, giving lesser known candidates chance , making harder frontrunner secure majority early. hoped change in election system energize base of party.

democratic party process

the process used democrats more complex republican party caucus process. each precinct divides delegate seats among candidates in proportion caucus goers votes. participants indicate support particular candidate standing in designated area of caucus site (forming preference group). area may designated undecided participants. then, 30 minutes, participants try convince neighbors support candidates. each preference group might informally deputize few members recruit supporters other groups and, in particular, among undecided. undecided participants might visit each preference group ask members candidate.

after 30 minutes, electioneering temporarily halted , supporters each candidate counted. @ point, caucus officials determine candidates viable. depending on number of county delegates elected, viability threshold 15% of attendees. candidate receive delegates particular precinct, or must have support of @ least percentage of participants required viability threshold. once viability determined, participants have 30 minutes realign: supporters of inviable candidates may find viable candidate support, join supporters of inviable candidate secure delegate 1 of two, or choose abstain. realignment crucial distinction of caucuses in (unlike primary) being voter s second candidate of choice can candidate.

when voting closed, final head count conducted, , each precinct apportions delegates county convention. these numbers reported state party, counts total number of delegates each candidate , reports results media. of participants go home, leaving few finish business of caucus: each preference group elects delegates, , groups reconvene elect local party officers , discuss platform. delegates chosen precinct go later caucus, county convention, choose delegates district convention , state convention. of delegates democratic national convention selected @ district convention, remaining ones selected @ state convention. delegates each level of convention bound support chosen candidate can later switch in process similar goes on @ precinct level; however, major shifts in delegate support rare, media declares candidate delegates on precinct caucus night winner, , relatively little attention paid later caucuses.

republican party process

for republicans, iowa caucus followed (but should not confused with) iowa straw poll in august of preceding year. winner of straw poll has failed win iowa caucuses in 1986, 2006, , 2010. in june 2014, party announced straw poll no longer take place.

the process of selecting iowa delegates republican national convention prior 2016 election cycle started selection of delegates county conventions, in turn affected delegates elected district conventions served delegates state convention delegates chosen national convention.

this process rewarded candidate organizers not got supporters caucus sites got supporters willing serve delegates county conventions , willing vote other delegates supported specific candidate. in 2012, process resulted in ron paul supporters dominating iowa delegation republican national convention, having 22 of 28 iowa delegates, mitt romney getting other 6 delegates.

because delegates elected @ caucuses did not need declare candidate preference, media did not have objective way determine success of individual candidates @ caucuses. media focused on secret ballot polling conducted @ caucus sites , have referred non-binding poll caucus. there irregularities in 2012 caucus site polling results, including fact 8 precinct results went missing , never counted.

because of irregularities in process , fact totals reported media unrelated delegate selection process, there have been changes in both how caucus site secret ballot polling sent state party headquarters , in how iowa delegates national convention required vote.

starting in 2016, caucus results have become binding when selecting delegates. acting in accordance mandate republican national committee, delegates bound on first ballot vote candidates in proportion votes cast each candidate @ caucus sites.

2004 democratic process

in 2004, meetings ran 6:30 p.m. until approximately 7:00 p.m. on january 19, 2004, turnout of 124,000 caucus-goers. county convention occurred on march 13, district convention on april 24, , state convention on june 26. delegates , did change votes based on further developments in race; instance, in 2004 delegates pledged dick gephardt, left race after precinct caucuses, chose different candidate support @ county, district, , state level.

the number of delegates each candidate receives determines how many state delegates iowa candidate have @ democratic national convention. iowa sends 56 delegates dnc out of total 4,366.

of 45 delegates chosen through caucus system, 29 chosen @ district level. ten delegates at-large delegates, , 6 party leader , elected official (pleo) delegates; these assigned @ state convention. there 11 other delegates, 8 of whom appointed local democratic national committee members - 2 pleo delegates , 1 elected @ state democratic convention.

in 2014, iowa democratic party announced changes caucus system allow members of military participate in statewide caucus , establish satellite caucuses disabled , others have trouble making physical location of caucuses. work passage of new law requires employers allow employees take time off caucuses.

2008 process

the 2008 iowa caucuses took place january 3 @ 7 p.m. ct. candidates spent tens of millions of dollars on local television advertisements , hundreds of paid staff in dozens of field offices. barack obama (d) , mike huckabee (r) eventual winners.

2012 process

the 2012 iowa caucuses took place on tuesday, january 3, starting @ 7 p.m. cst. incumbent president barack obama faced minor opposition in democratic caucus , received 98% of vote, republican caucus heavily contested between several challengers. initial results reported mitt romney beat out rick santorum 8 votes, when final results came out 2 weeks later rick santorum secured victory on romney margin of 34 votes ron paul in strong 3rd. results certified caucus, not republican party, declared split decision due missing reports 8 precincts, later certified caucus win santorum. caucus winner changed yet again when iowa delegate totals determined giving ron paul win along several other states same weekend.

2016 process

the 2016 iowa caucuses took place on monday, february 1. counting started @ 7 p.m. cst , lasted 1 hour, after caucus discussions.


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