Construction 1919 Franklin (automobile)

franklin square - converted apartments , office space in 1987

by 1919, firm set expansion after stock issued hiked $2,000,000 authorization of $7,000,000.

construction of new $500,000 addition plant , opening of large building body factory leasing of many thousand square feet of additional storage space in works august, 1919.

the expansion called immediate employment of 500 men possible addition of 500. franklin automobile company issued statement saying tremendous expansion policy result of determined effort lift production of franklin cars keep pace increasing demand , point yearly output 18,000 completed cars, or 1 car every 7 minutes of each working day.

the ground broken on august 2, 1919, new seven-story, re-enforced concrete manufacturing building. other expansion changes included leasing six-story manufacturing building near franklin works, work begin on manufacture of enclosed bodies franklin cars.

the company closed long term lease on edwards building in wholesale section of city gave factory 40,000 square feet (3,700 m) additional floor space used storage.

when changes , construction work completed, franklin company possessed 250,000 square feet (23,000 m) of additional floor space. new building, total of 160,000 square feet (15,000 m), located on same site original auto works on corner of marcellus , magnolia streets, adjoining building occupied paint shop, assemblies , inspection departments. large expanse of glass on sides make strictly daylight plant. 1920, company employed between 5,000 , 6,000 men in city.


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