Marketing stimuli Salience (language)

although salience stimulus response, stimulus quality or absolute quality? salience plays important role in intergroup communication. according harwood, raman , hewstone, group salience key variable both in influencing quality of intergroup contact , in moderating effects of intergroup contact on prejudicial attitudes.

in study of family communication , intergroup relationships, group salience individual’s awareness of group memberships , respective group differences in intergroup encounter (e.g., salience of race in interracial conversation). study examines dynamics of intergroup relationships respect communication in family context. study involved communicative aspects associated age salience in grandparent – grandchild relationship, extent various dimension of communication predicts measures of salience, relational or inter-family proximity, , attitudes towards aging. according harwood, raman , hewstone, communication phenomena positively correlated measures of age salience negatively related relational closeness. 1 communication measure (grandparents talking past) moderated relationship between quality of contact grandparent , attitudes toward older people. specific communicative dimensions emerged warrant further investigation in , other intergroup contexts.

salience applied communicative perspective plays important role in our consumer- marketing world. in gianluigi guido’s book, salience of marketing stimuli: incongruity – salience hypothesis on consumer awareness, salience triggered external physical stimuli, marketing stimuli before being internalized consumers – explain , predict conditions under marketing stimulus, able achieve communication outcomes in term of processing , memory. book defines history of definition of salience , ambiguities of arriving @ accurate definition. utilizes various theories best define salience in our marketing world. of many theories, guido uses aspects of incongruity theory, schema theory , information processing model referred in-salience hypothesis emphasizes nature of prominence of salience.

model part of wider dichotic theory of salience, according stimulus salient either when incongruent in context perceiver s schema, or when congruent in context perceiver s goal. according 4 propositions of model, in-salient stimuli better recalled, affect both attention , interpretation, , moderated degree of perceivers comprehension (i.e., activation, accessibility, , availability of schemata), , involvement (i.e., personal relevance of stimuli). results of 2 empirical studies on print advertisements show in-salient ad messages have strongest impact in triggering ad processing which, in turn, leads consumer awareness.

therefore, define salience appropriate possible using information, apt define such that, salience intrinsic concept of perceived or interpreted prominence of attitude, , manifestation on our choices.


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