History and influences Piano Concerto (Grieg)

the theme of third movement of concerto, influenced norwegian halling dance.

the work premiered edmund neupert on april 3, 1869 in copenhagen, holger simon paulli conducting. sources grieg himself, excellent pianist, intended soloist, unable attend premiere owing commitments orchestra in christiania (now oslo). among did attend premiere danish composer niels gade , russian pianist anton rubinstein, provided own piano occasion. neupert dedicatee of second edition of concerto (rikard nordraak original dedicatee), , james huneker said himself composed first movement cadenza.

the norwegian premiere in christiania followed on august 7, 1869, , piece later heard in germany in 1872 , england in 1874. @ grieg s visit franz liszt in rome in 1870, liszt played notes prima vista before audience of musicians , gave comments on grieg s work, influenced him later. work first published in leipzig in 1872, after johan svendsen intervened on grieg s behalf.

the concerto first piano concerto ever recorded — pianist wilhelm backhaus in 1909. due technology of time, heavily abridged @ 6 minutes.

grieg revised work @ least 7 times, in subtle ways, amounting on 300 differences original orchestration. in 1 of these revisions, undid franz liszt s suggestion give second theme of first movement (as first theme of second) trumpet rather cello. final version of concerto completed few weeks before grieg s death, , version has achieved worldwide popularity. original 1868 version has been recorded, love derwinger, norrköping symphony orchestra under jun ichi hirokami.

grieg worked on transcription of concerto 2 solo pianos, completed károly thern. premiere recording of version british two-piano team of anthony goldstone , caroline clemmow.

on april 2, 1951, russian-born american pianist simon barere collapsed while playing first few bars of concerto, in performance conductor eugene ormandy , philadelphia orchestra @ carnegie hall in new york. died backstage shortly afterwards. have been barere s first performance of work.


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