Books Congo Free State propaganda war

morel s exposé red rubber

before 1904, morel released 2 books pertaining west africa. first book, entitled affairs of west africa, discussed history, inhabitants, flora , fauna, physical characteristics, industries, , trade , finances of area; man d never gone west africa. got information traders , shipping crews during days working elder dempster, , missionary contacts. morel concluded book attacks on leopold , congo free state administration. contrasted congo free state success of french congo, commemorating french administration efforts within west african colonies. asked sympathy , understanding, english , french, on issue of west africa.

newspapers reviews mixed. in daily chronicle sir harry johnston wrote:

mr. morel s indictment 1 of terrible things ever written, if true. 

the times provided glowing review of book:

it great satisfaction public welcome contribution our general knowledge on subject… sufferings of picture given world in uncle tom s cabin nothing mr. morel represents habitual accomplishments of acquisition of rubber , ivory belgian companies. 

positive reviews helped create readership writings. bad review morning post pertained comparison of french congo leopold s congo free state. morel responded book, british case in french congo, released 3 months later, in said admired french efforts, , again blamed congo free state evil in west africa. morning post praised second book. public demanded government action. on may 20, 1903 parliament passed resolution allow british government negotiate powers on matter. parliament noted great gratitude due morel creating public awareness.

his third book, king leopold s rule in africa, had photographs of mutilated women , children. let pictures speak themselves. wrote effectively. on , on again in book did morel hammer in argument. morel argued world must come fight end of abuses.

in name of humanity, of common decency , pity, honour s sake, if no other cause, not anglo-saxon race – governments , peoples of great britain , united states, between them responsible creation of congo state – make minds handle monstrous outrage resolutely, , point way, , set example others compelled follow? in hope, ever present consciousness of inadequacy portray greatness of evil , greatness of responsibility, author submits volume public. 

his words , facts book appeared in book reviews on europe , us. reviewers described horrific pictures , stories in full detail.


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