United States Packet trade

1 united states

1.1 black ball line
1.2 cape verde
1.3 modern day

united states

in united states, packet trade used refer atlantic (or western) ocean packets traded europe , africa (notably cape verde). packet boats, smaller vessels designed domestic use, extensively used in 19th century internal mail , scheduled service using rivers , canals, such along erie canal, cut travel time across new york state in half; pennsylvania canal, james river , kanawha canal, , navigable rivers.

during 18th century ships carrying cargo, passengers , mail between europe , america sail when full. starting in 19th century, trade america became more common, schedule regularity became priority.

the black ball line

in 1818, ships of black ball line began regularly scheduled trips between britain , united states. these packet ships (named delivery of mail packets ) infamous keeping disciplined schedules. involved harsh treatment of seamen , earned ships nickname, bloodboat .

the original black ball line founded group of new york quakers, later rival service founded james baines of liverpool styled black ball line, despite protests of original company of name.

cape verde

because of influence of whaling , several local droughts, there substantial migration cape verde america, notably new bedford, massachusetts. migration built strong ties between 2 locations. strong packet trade between new england , cape verde developed during early-to-mid-19th century.

modern day

in 21st century, epacket delivery became available through postal service deal china post, hongkong post, , korean postal service in order support internet commerce between east asia , united states. vendors in countries can sell goods directly american customers while enjoying delivery rates less domestic vendors pay deliver same parcel. these low rates , current lack of protective tariffs on imported goods foreign countries make service controversial because apparently gives foreign vendors, in mainland china , hong kong, competitive advantage in still-growing online market. usps has complained of inability negotiate prices chinese postal services, , of 2013 losing millions of dollars on service each year.


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