Bombardment impact Attack on Sydney Harbour

a crowd looking @ shell hole @ woollahra on 8 june 1942

the bombardments failed cause significant physical damage, had major psychological impact on residents of sydney , newcastle. due inaccuracy of submarines range-finding equipment, coupled unstable firing platform of submarine @ sea, specific targeting impossible. intention of submarine bombardment frighten population of target area.

the failure of majority of shells detonate may have had various causes. submarines fired armour piercing shells, intended use against steel ship hulls, relatively softer brick walls may have failed trigger impact fuses. sea water may have degraded shells, japanese had stored in deck lockers several weeks. age of shells may have been factor; of shells recovered newcastle bombardment found of english manufacture: surplus munitions world war i.

in sydney, fear of impending japanese invasion caused people move west; housing prices in eastern suburbs dropped, while beyond blue mountains rose significantly. attack led significant increase in membership of volunteer defence organisations, , strengthening of defences in sydney harbour , port newcastle.


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