Imperial Germany Germany–United Kingdom relations

1 imperial germany

1.1 rapid german economic growth
1.2 diplomacy
1.3 colonies
1.4 improvement , worsening of relations
1.5 naval race
1.6 2 moroccan crises
1.7 start of world war i
1.8 allied victory

imperial germany
rapid german economic growth

germany, unified in 1871 after had defeated denmark, austria , france, became economic, military , diplomatic powerhouse under bismarck. rapid growth took place in heavy industry, coal, steel, chemicals , railways. domestic economy rivalled britain 1890, international trade , finance smaller. germany s overseas empire later , far behind britain s.


the british foreign office had been poorly served series of ambassadors, provided superficial reports on dramatic developments of 1860s. changed appointment of odo russell (1871-1884), developed close rapport bismarck , provided in depth coverage of german developments.

britain gave passive support unification under prussian domination strategic, ideological , business reasons. german empire considered useful counterbalance on continent both france , russia, 2 powers worried britain most. threat france in mediterranean , russia in central asia neutralised judicious relationship germany. new nation stabilising force, , bismarck promoted role in stabilising europe , in preventing major war on continent. british prime minister gladstone, however, suspicious of germany, disliked authoritarianism , feared start war weaker neighbour. ideological gulf stressed lord arthur russell in 1872:

prussia represents antagonistic liberal , democratic ideas of age; military despotism, rule of sword, contempt sentimental talk, indifference human suffering, imprisonment of independent opinion, transfer force of unwilling populations hateful yoke, disregard of european opinion, total want of greatness , generosity, etc., etc.

britain looking inward , avoided picking disputes germany made clear, in war in sight crisis of 1875, not tolerate pre-emptive war germany on france.


bismarck built complex network of european alliances kept peace in 1870s , 1880s. british building empire, bismarck opposed colonies expensive. when public demand made him, in 1880s, grab colonies in africa , pacific, ensured conflicts britain minimal.

improvement , worsening of relations

relations between britain , germany improved key policymakers, prime minister lord salisbury , chancellor bismarck, both realistic conservatives , largely both agreed on policies. there several proposals formal treaty relationship between germany , britain, went nowhere, britain preferred stand in called splendid isolation. nevertheless, series of developments steadily improved relations down 1890, when bismarck pushed out aggressive wilhelm ii. in january 1896 escalated tensions kruger telegram, congratulating boer president kruger of transvaal beating off jameson raid. german officials in berlin had managed stop kaiser proposing german protectorate on transvaal. in second boer war, germany sympathised boers. in 1897 admiral tirpitz became german naval secretary of state , began transformation of german navy small, coastal defence force fleet meant challenge british naval power. tirpitz calls riskflotte (risk fleet) make risky britain take on germany, part of wider bid alter international balance of power decisively in germany s favour. @ same time, german foreign minister bernhard von bülow called weltpolitik (world politics). new policy assert claim global power. bismarck s conservativism abandoned, germany intent on challenging , upsetting international order.

thereafter relations deteriorated steadily. britain began see germany hostile force , moved friendlier relationships france.

coming power in 1888, young wilhelm dismissed bismarck in 1890 , sought aggressively increase germany s influence in world. foreign policy controlled erratic kaiser, played increasingly-reckless hand , leadership of friedrich von holstein, powerful foreign minister.

he argued long-term coalition between france , russia had fall apart, russia , britain never , britain seek alliance germany. russia couldd not germany renew mutual treaties , formed closer relationship france in 1894 franco-russian alliance since both worried german aggression. britain refused agree formal alliance germany sought.

since germany s analysis mistaken on every point, nation increasingly dependent on triple alliance austria-hungary , italy. undermined ethic diversity of austria-hungary , differences italy. latter, in 1915, switch sides.

naval race

the british royal navy dominated globe in 19th century, after 1890, germany attempted achieve parity. resulting naval race heightened tensions between 2 nations.

the german navy, under tirpitz, had ambitions rival great british navy , dramatically expanded fleet in 20th century protect colonies , exert power worldwide. tirpitz started programme of warship construction in 1898. in 1890, germany traded strategic island of heligoland in north sea britain in exchange eastern african island of zanzibar, proceeded construct great naval base. british, however, ahead in naval race , introduced highly-advanced dreadnought battleship in 1907.

two moroccan crises

in first moroccan crisis of 1905, there war between germany against britain , france on french attempt establish protectorate on morocco. germans upset @ not being informed. wilhelm made highly-provocative speech moroccan independence. following year, conference held in of european powers except austria-hungary (now little more german satellite) sided france. compromise brokered united states french relinquish of control on morocco.

in 1911, france strongarmed seizing more control on morocco. german foreign minister alfred von kiderlen-waechter not opposed if germany had compensation elsewhere in africa, in french congo. sent small warship, made saber-rattling threats , whipped anger german nationalists. france , germany agreed on compromise, france gaining control of morocco , germany gaining of french congo. british cabinet, however, angry , alarmed @ germany s aggressiveness. lloyd george made dramatic mansion house speech denounced german move intolerable humiliation. there talk of war until germany backed down, , relations remained sour.

start of world war i

the liberal party sympathetic germany or @ least wanted britain have relations. conservative party hostile germany threat unless british empire aggressively protected. emerging labour party , other socialists denounced war, capitalist device maximize profits.

in 1907, leading german expert in foreign office, eyre crowe, wrote memorandum senior officials warned vigorously against german intentions. crowe argued berlin wanted hegemony... in europe, , in world . crowe argued germany presented threat balance of power of napoleon. germany expand poet unless 1904 entente cordiale, france, upgraded full military alliance. crowe taken seriously, because born in germany.

in germany, left-wing parties, social democratic party of germany, in 1912 german election, won seats first time. german historian fritz fischer famously argued junkers, dominated germany, wanted external war distract population , whip patriotic support government.

other scholars, niall ferguson, think german conservatives ambivalent war , worried losing war have disastrous consequences , successful war might alienate population if long or difficult.

in explaining why neutral britain went war germany, paul kennedy, in rise of anglo-german antagonism, 1860-1914 (1980), argued germany had become economically more powerful britain. kennedy downplayed disputes on economic trade , imperialism. there had long been disputes on baghdad railway germany proposed build through ottoman empire. amicable compromise on railway reached in 1914 played no role in starting in summer crisis. germany relied time , again on sheer military power, britain began appeal moral sensibilities. germany saw invasion of belgium necessary military tactic, , britain saw profound moral crime, major cause of british entry war. kennedy argues far main reason war london s fear repeat of 1870, when prussia led other german states smash france, mean germany, powerful army , navy, control english channel , northwestern france. british policymakers thought catastrophe british security.

in 1839, britain, prussia , netherlands agreed treaty of london guaranteed neutrality of belgium. germany violated treaty in 1914, chancellor calling treaty scrap of paper . ensured britain declared war.

allied victory

the great german offensive on western front in spring 1918 succeeded, british , french pulled back, opening battlefield frustrate last-ditch german plan. summer 1918, american soldiers arriving on front @ 10,000 day, germany unable replace casualties , army shrank every day. series of huge battles in september , october produced sweeping allied victories, , german high command, under field marshal paul von hindenburg, saw had lost , told wilhelm go exile.

in november, new republic negotiated armistice, disguised surrender, because fourteen points of president woodrow wilson more lenient terms wanted allies. allied forces occupied , disarmed germany, stripped of war gains , colonies , destroyed navy. keeping food blockade in place, allies determined starve germany until agreed peace terms.

in 1918 election, days later, british prime minister lloyd george promised impose harsh treaty on germany. @ paris peace conference in 1919, however, lloyd george more moderate france , italy, still agreed force germany admit starting war , pay entire cost of allies in war, including veterans benefits , interest.


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