Types of box plots Box plot
figure 2. boxplot whiskers minimum maximum
figure 3. same boxplot whiskers maximum 1.5 iqr
box , whisker plots uniform in use of box: bottom , top of box first , third quartiles, , band inside box second quartile (the median). ends of whiskers can represent several possible alternative values, among them:
the minimum , maximum of of data (as in figure 2)
the lowest datum still within 1.5 iqr of lower quartile, , highest datum still within 1.5 iqr of upper quartile (often called tukey boxplot) (as in figure 3)
one standard deviation above , below mean of data
the 9th percentile , 91st percentile
the 2nd percentile , 98th percentile.
any data not included between whiskers should plotted outlier dot, small circle, or star, not done.
some box plots include additional character represent mean of data.
on box plots crosshatch placed on each whisker, before end of whisker.
rarely, box plots can presented no whiskers @ all.
because of variability, appropriate describe convention being used whiskers , outliers in caption plot.
the unusual percentiles 2%, 9%, 91%, 98% used whisker cross-hatches , whisker ends show seven-number summary. if data distributed, locations of 7 marks on box plot equally spaced.
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