Population Lesotho

1 population

1.1 demographics
1.2 ethnic groups , languages
1.3 religion
1.4 education , literacy



lesotho has population of approximately 2,203,821. population distribution of lesotho 25% urban , 75% rural. however, estimated annual increase of urban population 3.5%. population density lower in highlands in western lowlands. although majority of population—60.2%—is between 15 , 64 years of age, lesotho has substantial youth population numbering around 34.8%.

ethnic groups , languages

lesotho s ethno-linguistic structure consists entirely of basotho, bantu-speaking people: estimated 99.7% of people identify basotho. basotho subgroups include bakuena (kuena), batloung (the tlou), baphuthi (the phuti), bafokeng, bataung (the tau), batšoeneng (the tšoene), matebele etc.

the main language, sesotho (or sotho), first official , administrative language, , basotho speak on ordinary basis.


the population of lesotho estimated around 90% christian. protestants represent 45% of population (evangelicals 26%, anglican , other protestant groups additional 19%). roman catholics represent 45% of population, pastorally served province of metropolitan archbishop of maseru , 3 suffragans (the bishops of leribe, mohale s hoek , qacha s nek), form national episcopal conference.

members of other religions (muslims, hindus, buddhists , bahá í) , members of traditional indigenous religions comprise remaining 10% of population.

education , literacy

national university of lesotho

according recent estimates, 85% of older 14 literate. such, lesotho holds 1 of highest literacy rates in africa, in part because lesotho invests on 12% of gdp in education. unlike in other countries, in lesotho female literacy (94.5%) exceeds male literacy. according study southern , eastern africa consortium monitoring educational quality in 2000, 37% of grade 6 pupils in lesotho (average age 14 years) @ or above reading level 4, reading meaning. pupil @ level of literacy can read ahead or backwards through various parts of text link , interpret information. although education not compulsory, government of lesotho incrementally implementing program free primary education.

despite literacy, lesotho s residents struggle access vital services, such healthcare, travel , educational resources, as, according international telecommunication union, 3.4% of population use internet. service econet telecom lesotho expanded country s access email through entry-level, low-end mobile phones and, consequently, improved access educational information. african library project works establish school , village libraries in partnership peace corps lesotho , butha buthe district of education.


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