Indigenous affairs.2C Wik and Native Title Howard Government
on 23 december 1996, high court recognised wik people s native titles rights, , pastoral , mining leases not extinguish native title had been assumed after 1992 mabo decision , subsequent native title act 1993. rather, high court decision determined native title co-exist pastoral leases, caused farmers fear lose land. government announced ten point plan deal uncertainty had effect of weakening native title act. legislation termed native title amendment act 1998 introduced parliament in september 1997, opposed labor party in senate. deal announced on 3 july 1998 between independent senator brian harradine , prime minister saw legislation pass senate. legislation meant 120 agreements , permits in doubt due wik decision valid.
on 26 may 1997, john howard tabled human rights , equal opportunity commission s bringing them home report, report commissioned keating government in relation separation of aboriginal , torres strait islander children families. government adopted of recommendations of report, though pointedly did not agree national apology parliament appropriate response.
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