Other fonts or projects List of CJK fonts

1 other fonts or projects

1.1 pan-unicode
1.2 chinese
1.3 japanese
1.4 korean

other fonts or projects

[f] gnu unifont – gpled bitmap font covers unicode basic multilingual plane.


simyou (幼圆) – round font style, distributed chinese version of office.
[f][f] hanwang series (王漢宗字体, 42 fonts) – released wang hanzong (王漢宗), professor @ national taiwan university, , licensed under gpl. wang involved in copyright infringement arphic technology fonts in 2005. justfont, cjk webfont service provider, provides 10 fonts hanwang series appear safe infringement claims.
[f][f] cwtex chinese fonts (5 fonts) – gpled, includes: cwtex 仿宋體 (imitation song), cwtex 圓體 (round font), cwtex 明體 (ming), cwtex 楷書 (regular script) , cwtex 粗黑體 (bold sans-serif), bold sans-serif has been involved in copyright infringement arphic technology.
[f] arphic pl fonts (文鼎自由字型, 4 fonts) – includes ar pl kaitim big5 (文鼎 pl 中楷), ar pl mingti2l big5 (文鼎 pl 細上海宋), ar pl sungtil gb (文鼎 pl 簡報宋), ar pl kaitim gb (文鼎 pl 簡中楷) , ar pl mingu20-l (文鼎 pl 明體) , ar pl baosong2gbk (文鼎 pl 報宋), released arphic technology , licensed under company s arphic public license. cjkunifonts project derived arphic pl fonts.
[f] wenquanyi unibit – bitmap monospaced font in gpled wenquanyi font project.
series of fonts sinotype (chinese: 华文; pinyin: huá wén; full name: 中国常州华文印刷新技术有限公司). e.g. huawen xingkai (华文行楷), huawen caiyun (华文彩云). distributed microsoft office.
series of fonts founder group (方正; fāng zhèng). e.g. fangzheng shuti (方正舒体), fangzheng qiti (方正启体). distributed microsoft office.
series of fonts han yi (汉仪; hàn yí; full name: 北京汉仪科印信息技术有限公司). e.g. hanyi xuejun (汉仪雪君体)
series of fonts dynalab (華康; huá kāng). e.g. huakang shaonu (華康少女體), huakang wuawua (華康娃娃體).
series of fonts arphic technology (文鼎科技; wén dǐng kējì).
shuowen jiezi true type font(說文解字true type字型) - most/all of characters small seal script. s extracted or referred annotated shuowen jiezi , other sources.
[f] i.pencrane (i.鋼筆鶴體), derived handwriting styled typeface wang hanzong (王漢宗), availably @ keshilu (刻石錄). licensed under gpl 2.0 , later.


[f] kanji stroke order font (漢字の筆順のフォント)


[f] ungungseo (은궁서) – 1 of un-series fonts derived korean latex fonts, calligraphy styles.
[f] nanum pen / nanum brush (나눔 손글씨) – 1 of nanum-series fonts, distributed naver, under open font license.
[f] jieubsida sun-moon (지읍시다선문) – korean-language, felt marker style offshoot of tsukurimashou meta-family, built using metafont , distributed under gpl.

^ justfont. 線上中文字型列表 . retrieved 2016-10-10. 
^ 造字:開源字型_i.顏體 [刻石錄]
^ cite error: named reference sourceforge1 invoked never defined (see page).


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