Philippines United States propaganda comics
barbargsa — blood of honorable
in development of comic, creators understood target audience giving attention local tausug culture , sulu region in developing comic:
two years ago, 2 army officers decided create 1 scratch tell children of sulu islands story of happening in homeland… philippines military portrayed in positive , heroic light while villains terrorists or bandits. creators careful accurately illustrate sulu region, , use character names, clothing , mannerisms reflect culture of tausug ethnic group.
the main character ameer, student of kuntao, local martial art. ameer citizen vigilante vows protect lives of people threatened , affected terrorism after returns home working abroad , witnesses confluence of violence in hometown. actions of ameer shadow theme of comic, vs. evil, highlighted maj. edward lopacienski: in end see hero , community rising turn on terrorists. beyond placing ameer in local culture , settings, deals previous terrorist events of abu sayyaf group. of these events include sulu co-op bombing in march 2006 , basilan hostage crisis abu sayyaf group used schoolchildren body shields filipino police , military.
the comic book character ameer has become popular , local vendors have printed unauthorized shirts image. on 600,000 of 10-issue series have been distributed through island , in both english , local filipino dialect.
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