Eastern traditions Seamless robe of Jesus

the eastern orthodox church has preserved tradition regarding clothing of jesus divided among soldiers after crucifixion.

according tradition of georgian orthodox church, chiton acquired jewish rabbi georgia named elioz (elias), present in jerusalem @ time of crucifixion , bought robe soldier. brought him when returned native town of mtskheta, georgia, preserved day beneath crypt in patriarchal svetitskhoveli cathedral. feast day in honor of chiton of lord celebrated on october 1.

a portion of himation brought georgia, placed in treasury of svetitskhoveli cathedral, remained until seventeenth century. persian shah abbas i, when invaded georgia, carried off robe. in order ingratiate himself tsar michael feodorovich, shah sent robe gift patriarch philaret (1619–1633) , tsar michael in 1625. authenticity of robe attested nectarius, archbishop of vologda, patriarch theophanes of jerusalem , joannicius greek. reports circulated @ time of miraculous signs being worked through relic.

later, 2 portions of robe taken saint petersburg: 1 in cathedral @ winter palace, , other in sts. peter , paul cathedral. portion of robe preserved @ cathedral of dormition in moscow, , small portions @ kiev’s sophia cathedral, @ ipatiev monastery near kostroma , @ other old temples.

the russian orthodox church commemorates placing of honorable robe of lord @ moscow on july 10 (july 25 n.s.). @ moscow annually on day, robe solemnly brought out of chapel of apostles peter , paul @ dormition cathedral, , placed on stand veneration faithful during divine services. after divine liturgy robe returned former place. traditionally, on day propers chanted of life-creating cross , since day on relic placed sunday of cross, during great lent of 1625.


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