117 AD: the Roman and Parthian Empires Middle-Eastern empires

the founding of rome goes days of western civilization; old it, today known eternal city . romans believed city founded in 753 bce. modern historians, though, believe 625 bce.

in 1st century bce, expanding roman republic absorbed whole eastern mediterranean area, , under roman empire region united of europe , north africa in single political , economic unit. unity facilitated spread of christianity, , 5th century whole region christian.

after empire became divided western , eastern parts emperors of east ruled constantinople on lands of middle east far east euphrates , on balkans. empire greek-speaking, christian empire, , became known historians byzantine empire (from earlier name of capital city).

the parthians ruled persia parallel han dynasty , around time roman empire reached peak of power. in flourishing time , next, persia served link between rome , china, , seen of pivotal strategic importance romans in order safeguard their

parthian empire

around 300 bc, parthians invaded west asia siberia in north. scythians, , persians when first came west asia, parthians nomadic people. traveled around siberia horses , cattle, grazing them on expansive grasslands there.

the parthians headed south alexander s empire. recent death of alexander great had heralded beginning of disintegration of vast empire , parthians 1 of main benefactors.

the parthians succeeded in taking on middle part of alexander s empire (roughly modern iran). split seleucid empire in half, leaving macedonian colonies in bactria (modern afghanistan) isolated. stayed there 200 years, gradually assimilating culture of west asia.

by around 100 bce, seleucia increasingly powerless, parthians started take on parts of eastern seleucia. @ same time, romans started take on parts of western seleucia. romans , parthians met in middle. @ battle of carrhae, in year 53 bce, outnumbered parthians won decisive victory, , roman general crassus killed.

in 116 ce, roman emperor trajan invaded parthian empire , conquered way babylon. parthians in disarray @ time, due civil wars, , unable offer resistance. in 117, year later, trajan s successor hadrian gave of land trajan had conquered.

however, these internal weaknesses caused parthian empire collapse , sassanid dynasty rose.


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