Stepanov notation Vladimir Stepanov (dancer)
an example of stepanov-notated choreography la bayadère, circa 1900
in publication of stepanov s method, alexander gorsky stated, “poses or movement lasting 2 units of time notate signs called halves (½) made of 2 quarters. poses or movements lasting 4 units notated 2 half notes connected arches.” in stepanov notation, downturns can written in terms of numbers, putting different numbers of turns in same order , pattern dancer executes them. example, if numbers 1, 2, , 3 written in straight line, dancer turn 3 times in straight line. example, if numbers 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, , 5 written in circle, 0 @ top , numbers in increasing order clockwise around circle, dancer 5 turns while walking in clockwise circle. stepanov notation, arm movements written symbols similar in appearance music notes streaks around them. streaks indicate how dancer supposed move his/her arms , notes indicate on beat each arm movement occur. space on paper specifies audience s location.
stepanov’s system not require study of many symbols understand it. system makes possible show more single movement @ time. overall, has been claimed approach describing body movement.
stepanov notation encounters difficulty in describing body direction utilizes system of relative greater , less positions relative current facing of dancer, requiring them memorize meanings of these terms in relation every position in dance. might call translation manuscripts ballet steps crude due difficulty of translating anatomical movement onto paper.
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