Internal combustion engines and vehicles Ganz Works

ganz automobile 1904

photograph of ganz bus in 1914, published in vasárnapi Újság in 1916

beginning of gas engine manufacturing linked names of bánki , csonka in 1889.

produced engines designs , licences sold western european partners (mostly u.k. , italy):

1889 first four-stroke gas engine built ganz factory
1893 manufacture of paraffin- , petrol-fuelled engine carburettor
1898 start of manufacture of engines bánki water injection system
1908 introduction of new petrol engine type, series am
1913 manufacture of büssing petrol engines truck vehicles
1914–18 manufacture of fighter plane engines
1916 manufacture of petrol engines, type fiat
1920 usage of petrol engines suction gas engine operation
1924 mr. györgy jendrassik started engine development activity
1928 there finished first railway diesel engine according plans of ganz-jendrassik
1929 first export delivery of railway engine according system of ganz-jendrassik
1934 there engine reliability world competition in ussr ganz engine achieved best consumption in category
1944 first application of engine type xii jv 170/240 in motor-train set
195modernisationon of diesel engines system ganz-jendrassik type
1959 union of ganz factory , mÁvag company, establishing of ganz-mÁvag


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