Catholicism and the Queen's household Henrietta Maria of France

henrietta maria, court dwarf, jeffrey hudson. monkey symbolic of advisor fools, such court dwarves, in case believed represent henrietta maria s menagerie of pets; orange tree represents love of gardens.

henrietta maria had strong catholic beliefs, heavily influence time queen, , particularly initial years following marriage. charles liked call henrietta maria maria , english people calling queen mary , alluding charles catholic grandmother. henrietta maria open catholic beliefs, point of being flagrant , unapologetic ; obstructed plans forcibly take care eldest sons of catholic families aim of bringing them protestants, , facilitated catholic marriages, committing criminal offence under english law @ time. in july 1626, henrietta maria stopped pray catholics had died @ tyburn tree, causing huge controversy – catholics still being executed in england during 1620s, , henrietta maria felt passionately faith. in due course, henrietta maria unsuccessfully try convert calvinist nephew prince rupert during stay in england.

henrietta maria had brought large , expensive retinue france, catholic. charles blamed poor start marriage on french entourage. charles had them dismissed court on 26 june 1626. henrietta maria upset, , some – including bishop of mendes – refused leave, citing orders french king. in end, charles had deploy armed guards physically eject them. despite charles s orders, however, henrietta maria managed retain 7 of french staff including chaplain , confessor, robert phillip.

charles s ejection of french entourage closely linked getting henrietta maria s spending under sort of control. henrietta maria spent @ incredible rate, resulting in debts still being paid off several years later. new first treasurer jean caille; succeeded george carew , in 1629 richard wynn took over. after reform of queen s household, spending continued @ high level; despite gifts king, henrietta maria having secretly borrow money in 1627, , queen s accounts show huge number of expensive dresses being bought during pre-war years.

over next few years, queen s new household began form around her. henry jermyn became favourite , vice-chamberlain in 1628. countess of denbigh became queen s head of robes , confidante. acquired several court dwarves, including jeffrey hudson , little sara . henrietta maria established presence @ somerset house, greenwich, oatlands, nonsuch, richmond , holdenby part of jointure lands 1630. added wimbledon house in 1639, bought present charles. acquired menagerie of dogs, monkeys , caged birds.


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