Plot The Omega Code

in jerusalem, rabbi named rostenburg using software designed decode seventy eschatological prophecies hidden within torah. rostenburg has handwritten each 1 in journal, entered program deciphering. program deciphers prophecy says die; immediately, tears page containing final code journal, hiding in shirt pocket. shot , killed assassin, takes journal , optical disc containing decoding program. after assassin leaves, 2 mysterious men (later revealed 2 prophets) retrieve journal page rostenburg had hidden.

television reporter , talk show host cassandra barris (catherine oxenberg) introduces dr. gillen lane (casper van dien) show s guest. lane popular author , charismatic motivational speaker explains codes hidden in old testament describe events past, present, , future; sees no contradiction between belief , dismissal of religious faith.

media mogul , european union chairman stone alexander (michael york) receives humanitarian award in rome having eliminated world hunger through advances in nutritional technology. there, see man killed rostenburg , stole decoding software alexander s apprentice, dominic (michael ironside). dr. lane in attendance, seeking meet alexander discuss ideas. cassandra, employed 1 of alexander s television networks, in attendance, providing lane brief conversation after alexander spurns him. time afterward, however, alexander sees prophecy (deciphered rostenberg s program) leads him ask lane become minister of information.

using each prophecy rostenburg s program deciphers guide him, alexander works toward world domination whatever means deems necessary, including secretly arranging bombings of muslim , jewish holy sites in israel. reporting jerusalem, cassandra caught in 1 of blasts. 2 prophets rostenburg s study take rubble, telling have message [her] carry . alexander goes on use sites rebuilding forge groundbreaking middle east peace treaty. not long thereafter, national governments agree join ten-state world union , of alexander chairman. lane finds fulfillment in new position, though regrets not being able estranged wife , young daughter.

cassandra delivers lane warning prophets gave her, though skeptical. nevertheless, warning leads lane discover decoding facility alexander s staff uses rostenburg s program. no 1 else in facility @ time, lane sees program running, , leafs through printouts of deciphered codes. seeing lane on surveillance feed, alexander , dominic go confront him. disillusioned lane accuses alexander of following code script, , being behind israeli bombings. confessing lane s charges, alexander asks him spokesman new world, visionary, prophet. believing himself rightful aspirant position, dominic pulls gun on lane, flees. firing repeatedly @ lane, dominic inadvertently shoots alexander in head, mortally wounding him. dominic alerts security, claiming lane shot alexander , fled. lane escapes alexander s compound, becomes target of worldwide manhunt. alexander pronounced dead @ local hospital.

lane runs sympathetic cassandra, agrees smuggle him onto network jet can return family in los angeles. meanwhile, satan enters alexander s body in hospital, causing head wound heal miraculously , world union chairman rise dead. 7 of ten world union leaders agree alexander appointed chancellor of united world in ceremony held @ temple mount in jerusalem, coincident reopening of solomon s temple. in los angeles, becomes clear lane cannot safely reunited family, under heavy surveillance. , cassandra end flying jerusalem, prophets give him page of rostenburg s journal containing final code. thereafter, cassandra pulls gun on lane, demanding code , revealing loyal alexander.

at ceremony in jerusalem, chairman alexander (now chancellor alexander) proclaims has become both king , god! crowd upset statement, devout jewish , muslim listeners denouncing him blasphemer. out of growing tumult, 2 prophets appear inside temple, identifying alexander abomination of desolation, quoting evangelistic biblical prophecies, , predicting resurrected 3 days after deaths. alexander has dominic kill them both, , put them on display example of happens oppose him. leaves compound in rome, dominic relays word him israelis , several others seceding. alexander plots massive military action, including nuclear strike.

alexander meets cassandra, gives him final code; when examines writing, evaporates page supernaturally. alexander accuses of conspiring lane (who being detained on-site). 2 of them go lane s holding cell, dominic violently interrogates him whereabouts of final code. lane ignorant of whereabouts, causing interrogation reach impasse. lane left alone in cell. in solitude, demons swirl around him, tormenting him; lane prays, god ... jesus, save me. immediately, demons scattered, lane s cell door opens, , exits. meanwhile, 2 prophets resurrected.

lane, trying find alexander, runs dominic instead. dominic kill him when 2 prophets supernaturally appear. strangle dominic without touching him, , give lane journal page final code. lane takes dominic s gun , confronts alexander, who, cassandra @ side, commence attack. alexander uses bargaining chip lane give him final code; lane agrees, typing rostenburg s program deciphering. once does, however, alexander reveals never intended call off attack, , now, final code, begin massive war. alexander give final authorization attack, blindingly brilliant , pure white light appears on horizon, expanding shockwave through entire surrounding area. reaches alexander s war room, appearance accompanied strong wind. while lane stands safely , peacefully within it, blows through alexander violently enough cause satan fly behind him. attempting grasp onto alexander s shoulders stability, satan blown away, out of sight. @ point, alexander reaches behind ear , finds hand bloodied; head wound restored after satan ejected him, leaving him dead again.

the shockwave of light spreads cover entire earth, grows in brightness , intensity such causes entire screen remain white few seconds. effect ends fade printer in alexander s facility, output tray of bears freshly-printed page rostenburg s final code, deciphered follows: 0000 ... dawn of new millennium .


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