History Tulare County, California

road sign, 1920

the land occupied thousands of years varying cultures of indigenous peoples. beginning in eighteenth century, spain established missions colonize california , convert american indians christianity. comandante pedro fages, while hunting deserters in central valley in 1772, discovered great lake surrounded marshes , filled rushes; named los tules (the tules). lake county derives name. root of name tulare found in nahuatl word tullin, designating cattail or similar reeds.

after mexico achieved independence, continued rule california. after mexican cession , treaty of guadalupe hidalgo in 1848, area became part of united states. tulare county formed parts of mariposa county 4 years later in 1852. there 2 attempts split off new buena vista county in 1855, , coso county in 1864, both failed. parts of county s territory given fresno county in 1856, kern county , inyo county in 1866 , kings county in 1893.

the infectious disease tularemia caused bacterium francisella tularensis named after tulare county.

in 1908 colonel allen allensworth , associates founded allensworth black farming community. intended develop place african americans thrive free of white discrimination. community in california founded, financed , governed african americans. while first years highly successful, community encountered environmental problems dropping water tables caused fail. today historic area preserved colonel allensworth state historic park, listed on national register of historic places.


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