Operational history Mil Mi-8

1 operational history

1.1 soviet union
1.2 ukraine
1.3 yugoslavia
1.4 finland
1.5 iraq
1.6 south sudan
1.7 others

operational history
soviet union

the mi-8 family of helicopters became main soviet , later russian helicopter covering large range of roles in both peace time , war time. large fleets of mi-8 , derivatives employed both military , civil operators.

large numbers of mi-8 family helicopters used during soviet–afghan war during 1980s. rugged construction allowing easier in-theater operations , maintenance. large number of mi-8 lost several shot down enemy fire, mi-8 , derivatives being main aircraft model lost soviet union in afghanistan.

between april , may 1986, many of these machines used drop radiation-absorbing materials 4th reactor of chernobyl nuclear power plant after chernobyl disaster, , fire extinguished combined effort of helicopters dropping on 5000 metric tons of sand, lead, clay, , neutron-absorbing boron onto burning reactor , injection of liquid nitrogen. of helicopters severely irradiated , abandoned in giant junkyard, so-called machines cemetery near chernobyl several disappearing site in later years. during initial operation, 1 crashed near power plant after hitting construction crane cable crew of 4 being killed in crash. known virtually none of neutron absorbers reached core.


mi-8msb on 2016 ukrainian stamp

on 16 august 2013, ministry of defense of ukraine reported 1 of mi-8 s had set world altitude record of 9,150 meters @ kirovske military airfield on 15 august.

ukrainian armed forces used mi-8 alongside mi-24 in operations against rebels in eastern ukraine during 2014 pro-russian conflict in ukraine. on 25 april 2014, ukrainian mi-8 destroyed on ground alongside an-2 @ airport in kramatorsk while preparing departure when hit grenade. crew able evacuate aircraft unharmed. on 5 may 2014, ukrainian mi-8 damaged small arms fire while overflying rebel check point during siege of sloviansk on 29 may 2014, ukrainian national guard mi-8 shot down east ukrainian rebels using manpads outside slavyansk 12 personnel, including army general killed , 1 injured. on 24 june 2014, ukrainian national guard mi-8 shot down east ukraine rebels again using manpads outside slavyansk 9 personnel killed.


croatian mil mi-8mtv-1

serbian mi-8t cargo helicopter

the yugoslav air force bought 24 mi-8t (hip c) transport helicopters may 1968 may 1969 equip 2 squadrons of newly formed 119th transport regiment niš military airport, each squadron 12 helicopters. subsequently, 1973 1980s, yugoslavia purchased more mi-8t helicopters re-equip 2 squadrons of 111th regiment pleso military airport near zagreb , 790th squadron divulje military airport near split, under command of yugoslav navy. in total, yugoslav air force received 92 mi-8t transport helicopters soviet union, known formally military ht-40, while local modification of several helicopters electronic warfare variants produced ht-40e. 40 helicopters equipped firefighting operations.

the yugoslav mi-8s first combat operations transport of army troops , federal police forces border crossings in slovenia on 27 june 1991. members of slovenian territorial defence fired strela 2 manpad, , shot 1 helicopter down, killing crew , passengers.

during combat in winter of 1991 in croatia , in spring of 1992 in bosnia , herzegovina, yugoslav people s army used mi-8 fleet evacuation of injured personnel, transport of cargo , search , rescue crews of aircraft forced down. flights made behind front, croatian forces able down 1 helicopter, hit small arms fire near slavonski brod on 4 october 1991.

after bosnian serbs declared state in spring of 1992, former yugoslav air force mi-8s continued service armed forces. inventory of 82nd mixed helicopter squadron, of 92nd aviation brigade of army of republika srpska comprised 12 mi-8t helicopters, continued in service until operation koridor. during period, republika srpska air force lost 3 mi-8 helicopters enemy fire. 3 helicopters painted in blue , white colour scheme flew in first part of 56th helicopter squadron of krajina milicija, using udbina military airport in lika main base. republika srpska air force continued operate 9 helicopters, albeit suffering problems maintenance , spare parts, until formally disbanded in 2006.

on other side, mi-8 helicopters used main air transport. croatian national guard obtained first on 23 september 1991, near petrinja, when yugoslav air force mi-8 made emergency landing after being damaged small-arms fire. further 6 mi-8t , 18 mi-8mtv-1 helicopters bought ex-warsaw pact countries during war, 16 of survived war. remaining mi-8ts retired service in croatian air force after war, while mi-8mtvs continued service in 20th transport helicopter squadron, , 28th transport helicopter squadron. latter has been re-equipped new mi-171sh helicopters bought russia.

the army of republic of bosnia , herzegovina secretly obtained mi-8t, mi-8mtv , mi-17 helicopters various sources. 2 helicopters shot down serbian air defences, 1 around Žepa, while 1 mi-17 shot down 2k12 kub m, killing bosnian foreign affairs minister irfan ljubijankić, few other politicians, , helicopter s ukrainian crew. few croatian mi-8mtvs secretly supported croatian defence council operations in herceg bosna. after war, army of federation of bosnia , herzegovina operated remaining 5 mi-8mtvs , 1 mi-8t in air force , air defense brigade of armed forces of bosnia , herzegovina.

finally, macedonian air force bought 4 mi-17v-1 in 1994 , 2 mi-8mt helicopters in 2001 ukraine. fly in transport helicopter squadron (ex 301. transport helicopter squadron). 1 crashed, killing 8 passengers , 3 crew members in accident in january 2008. in may 2008, macedonia acquired 4 additional mi-171, purchased lithuania.

during 1998–1999 kosovo war, fr yugoslav air force used mi-8s transport of personnel , material forces in otherwise-inaccessible mountain areas. evacuation of injured personnel occurred during 1999 nato bombing of yugoslavia, flying @ low altitude avoid detection nato aircraft. in 1999, serbian mi-8 shot down hunter uav. in 2000, mi-8 shot down uav. 2 mi-17v helicopters secretly operated special operations unit post-1997 active during kosovan conflict. after unit disbanded in 2003, helicopters transferred air force.

today, serbian air force, successor of yugoslav air force, operates between 6–8 mi-8t , 2 mi-17 helicopters in 138th mixed-transport-aviation squadron of 204th air base , 119th combined-arms helicopter squadron (ex 199th regiment) of 98th air base.


finnish mi-8 in hernesaari, helsinki, in 2005

the finnish defence forces , finnish border guard have been using mi-8s since 1970s, finnish air force receiving first, serialed hs-2, on 28 may 1973, , second, hs-1, on 31 may 1973. 6 mi-8ts obtained @ first, followed further 2 mi-8ts , 2 mi-8ps. 3 of helicopters handed on border guard wing. 1 of these lost after sinking through ice during landing in april 1982. replaced new mi-8. after border guard service, helicopters transferred civil register, shortly thereafter air force. in 1997 decided helicopters, including remaining 5 mi-8ts , 2 mi-8ps, should transferred army wing @ utti. mi-8s have been replaced nh90 helicopters. 1 mi-8 on display @ finnish aviation museum in vantaa, , 1 @ päijänne tavastia aviation museum in asikkala, near lahti. 2 final mi-8t copters given hungary in 8/2011 remaining spare parts.


mi-8 hip helicopters employed former iraqi army aviation , iraqi air force under saddam hussein. in iran-iraq war of 1980s, there have been air-to-air combat between iraqi , iranian army aviation helicopters, including between iranian ah-1j cobra , iraqi mi-8 hip , mi-24 hind helicopters.

south sudan

on 21 december 2012, nizhnevartovskavia owned mi-8 working united nations mission in south sudan (unmiss) shot down , crashed near likuangole in south sudanese state of jonglei during south sudan internal conflict. 4 russian crewmembers on board killed, , after initial confusion, un spokesman said south sudanese army confirmed on 22 december mistakenly fired @ helicopter.

on 9 march 2013, utair aviation owned mi-8 working united nations crashed due weather, killing entire four-man russian crew. location of crash near bukavu in south kivu province. bodies found @ site of crash.

on 26 august 2014, utair aviation owned mi-8 working united nations shot down approached landing airstrip near bentiu. 3 of russian crew members died , 1 injured. rebel commander peter gadet claimed forces shot down using rocket-propelled grenade.


during yom kippur war of october 1973, syria landed special forces behind idf - israel defense forces lines on golan heights @ mt. hermon, tel fares, vaset, nafach, ein zivan - dalve. mi-8 helicopters routes map , 2017 book: unknown syrian helicopter landings during yom kippur war: how military system confuses ...

in afghanistan, there several civilian versions flying cargo contracts army.

on 22 november 1992 vietnamese mi-8 mobilized hanoi carrying rescue workers after vietnam airlines flight 474 crashed near mountain Ô kha on 14 november. 7 people aboard killed.

on 4 december 2003, polish mi-8 crashed near piaseczno while carrying prime minister leszek miller, 10 other passengers , 4 crewmen. there no fatalities. cause of accident icing of engines. pilot, major marek miłosz accused of causing disaster, found not guilty.

on 15 october 2006, india agreed acquire 80 mi-17 helicopters russia in deal worth approximately us$662 million.

indian air force mi-8 in kishtwar

on 2 july 2008, 2 mi-17 used rescue 15 hostages during operation jaque performed colombian military.

on 19 july 2009, mil mi-8 helicopter crashed @ kandahar airport during takeoff, killing 16 , injuring 5. helicopter owned vertikal-t, russian air transportation company.

on 1 august 2016, mi-8 transport helicopter shot down ground fire in syrian province of idlib after raid in city of aleppo. 3 crew members , 2 officers russian reconciliation center syria on board , killed.


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