Henrietta Maria as queen Henrietta Maria of France

1 henrietta maria queen

1.1 marriage
1.2 catholicism , queen s household
1.3 henrietta maria , charles
1.4 henrietta maria , arts

henrietta maria queen

henrietta maria , charles of england married on 13 june 1625, during brief period in england s pro-spanish policy replaced pro-french policy. after difficult period, , charles formed extremely close partnership , devoted each other. henrietta maria never assimilated herself english society; did not speak english before marriage, , late 1640s had difficulty writing or speaking language. this, combined catholic beliefs, marked out different , potentially dangerous in english society of time, feared catholic subversion , terrorism gunpowder plot, , led becoming unpopular queen. henrietta maria has been criticised being intrinsically apolitical, undereducated , frivolous figure during 1630s; others have suggested exercised degree of personal power through combination of piety, femininity , sponsorship of arts.


henrietta maria , king charles charles, prince of wales, , princess mary, painted anthony van dyck, 1633. greyhound symbolises marital fidelity between charles , henrietta maria.

henrietta maria first met future husband in paris, in 1623, while travelling spain duke of buckingham discuss possible marriage infanta maria anna of spain – charles first saw @ french court entertainment. charles trip spain ended badly, however, king philip iv of spain demanded convert catholicism , live in spain year after wedding ensure england s compliance terms of treaty. charles outraged, , upon returning england in october, , buckingham demanded king james declare war on spain.

searching elsewhere bride, charles looked france instead. english agent kensington sent paris in 1624 examine potential french match, , marriage negotiated in paris james hay , henry rich. henrietta maria aged fifteen @ time of marriage, not unusually young royal princesses of period. views on henrietta maria s appearance vary; husband s niece, sophia of hanover commented the... beautiful portraits of van dyck had given me such fine idea of ladies of england surprised see queen, had seen beautiful , lean, woman past prime. arms long , lean, shoulders uneven, , of teeth coming out of mouth tusks.... did, however, have pretty eyes, nose, , complexion....

the new queen brought england huge quantity of expensive possessions; including diamonds, pearls, rings, diamond buttons, satin , velvet gowns, embroidered cloaks, skirts, velvet chapelles; 10,000 livres worth of plate, chandeliers, pictures, books, vestments , bedroom sets her, ladies in waiting, twelve oratorian priests , pages.

henrietta maria married charles proxy on 11 may 1625, shortly after accession throne. married in person @ st. augustine s church, canterbury, kent, on 13 june 1625, catholic religion made impossible crowned husband in anglican service; henrietta maria proposed french catholic bishop of mendes crown instead, unacceptable charles , court. henrietta maria allowed watch charles being crowned, @ discreet distance. in end, failure crowned went down badly london crowds, although england s pro-french policy gave way rapidly policy of supporting french huguenot uprisings, , disengagement european politics internal problems grew.

catholicism , queen s household

henrietta maria, court dwarf, jeffrey hudson. monkey symbolic of advisor fools, such court dwarves, in case believed represent henrietta maria s menagerie of pets; orange tree represents love of gardens.

henrietta maria had strong catholic beliefs, heavily influence time queen, , particularly initial years following marriage. charles liked call henrietta maria maria , english people calling queen mary , alluding charles catholic grandmother. henrietta maria open catholic beliefs, point of being flagrant , unapologetic ; obstructed plans forcibly take care eldest sons of catholic families aim of bringing them protestants, , facilitated catholic marriages, committing criminal offence under english law @ time. in july 1626, henrietta maria stopped pray catholics had died @ tyburn tree, causing huge controversy – catholics still being executed in england during 1620s, , henrietta maria felt passionately faith. in due course, henrietta maria unsuccessfully try convert calvinist nephew prince rupert during stay in england.

henrietta maria had brought large , expensive retinue france, catholic. charles blamed poor start marriage on french entourage. charles had them dismissed court on 26 june 1626. henrietta maria upset, , some – including bishop of mendes – refused leave, citing orders french king. in end, charles had deploy armed guards physically eject them. despite charles s orders, however, henrietta maria managed retain 7 of french staff including chaplain , confessor, robert phillip.

charles s ejection of french entourage closely linked getting henrietta maria s spending under sort of control. henrietta maria spent @ incredible rate, resulting in debts still being paid off several years later. new first treasurer jean caille; succeeded george carew , in 1629 richard wynn took over. after reform of queen s household, spending continued @ high level; despite gifts king, henrietta maria having secretly borrow money in 1627, , queen s accounts show huge number of expensive dresses being bought during pre-war years.

over next few years, queen s new household began form around her. henry jermyn became favourite , vice-chamberlain in 1628. countess of denbigh became queen s head of robes , confidante. acquired several court dwarves, including jeffrey hudson , little sara . henrietta maria established presence @ somerset house, greenwich, oatlands, nonsuch, richmond , holdenby part of jointure lands 1630. added wimbledon house in 1639, bought present charles. acquired menagerie of dogs, monkeys , caged birds.

henrietta maria , charles

a miniature of henrietta maria john hoskins.

henrietta maria s marriage charles did not begin , ejection of french staff did not improve it. relationship frigid , argumentative, , henrietta maria took immediate dislike duke of buckingham, king s favourite.

instead of charles, 1 of henrietta maria s closest companions in days of marriage lucy hay. lucy wife of james hay, had been favourite of king james , gentleman of bedchamber charles; james had helped negotiate charles s marriage henrietta maria. lucy staunch protestant, noted beauty , strong personality. many contemporaries believed mistress buckingham, rumours henrietta maria have been aware of, , has been argued lucy attempting control new queen on behalf. nonetheless, summer of 1628 2 extremely close friends, hay 1 of queen s ladies-in-waiting.

in august 1628, buckingham assassinated, leaving gap @ royal court. henrietta maria s relationship husband promptly began improve , 2 forged deep bonds of love , affection, marked various jokes played henrietta maria on charles. henrietta maria became pregnant first time in 1628 lost first child shortly after birth in 1629, following difficult labour. in 1630, future charles ii born successfully, however, following complicated childbirth noted physician theodore de mayerne. now, henrietta maria had taken on buckingham s role charles s closest friend , advisor. despite ejection of french staff in 1626, charles s court heavily influenced french society; french used in preference english, being considered more polite language. additionally, charles regularly write letters henrietta maria addressed dear heart. these letters showcase loving nature of relationship. example, on 11 january 1645 charles wrote, , dear heart, thou canst not confident there no danger not hazzard, or pains not undergo, enjoy happiness of thy company

henrietta maria, relationship husband grew stronger, split lucy hay in 1634. specific reasons largely unclear although 2 had had differences before. hay ardent protestant, example, , led rather more dissolute life queen; henrietta maria may have felt rather overshadowed confident , beautiful hay , because had such close bond husband, such confidants no longer necessary.

henrietta maria , arts

the queen s house @ greenwich, completed under henrietta maria s sponsorship of inigo jones.

henrietta maria had strong interest in arts, , patronage of various activities 1 of various ways in tried shape court events. henrietta maria , charles dedicated , knowledgeable collectors of paintings. henrietta maria particularly known patronage of italian painter orazio gentileschi, came england henrietta maria in 1626 part of favourite françois de bassompierre s entourage. orazio , daughter artemisia gentileschi responsible huge ceiling paintings of queen s house @ henrietta maria s palace in greenwich. of henrietta maria s favourite painters italian guido reni, supported miniature painters jean petitot , jacques bourdier.

henrietta maria became key patron in stuart masques, complementing husband s strong interest in paintings , visual arts. performed in various works herself, including amazon in william davenant s 1640 salmacida spolia . henrietta maria helped support musical works of english composer nicholas lanier, , responsible davenant being appointed poet laureat in 1638.

the queen liked physical sculpture , design too, , retained designer inigo jones surveyor of works during 1630s. charles, henrietta maria enthusiastic garden design, although not horticulture itself. employed french gardener andré mollet create baroque garden @ wimbledon house.

she patronised huguenot sculptor le sueur, , responsible lavish creation of famous chapel, that, although plain on outside, beautifully crafted inside gold , silver reliquaries, paintings, statues, chapel garden , magnificent altarpiece rubens. had unusual monstrance, designed françois dieussart exhibit holy sacrament.


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