Early years Matthias W. Baldwin

baldwin s first stationary steam engine, built in 1828.

in 1811 16-year-old baldwin made apprentice jewelry maker woolworth brothers of frankford, pennsylvania. apprenticeship in these days virtually coercive relationship marked long hours of labor , miserable compensation. in 1817, shortly before fixed term of indenture completed, baldwin moved mother philadelphia. there budding jewelry maker employed firm of fletcher & gardner, 1 of leading jewelry manufacturers of city.

baldwin proved valuable journeyman employee on course of next 2 years. in 1819 baldwin quit fletcher & gardner , began work independent silversmith. baldwin proved himself skilled , innovative craftsman, , developed revolutionary new technique making gold plate. rather painstaking application of gold leaf base metal, baldwin s method of manufacture made use of soldering piece of gold base metal , rolling 2 until requisite thickness attained. baldwin s technique came gain wide acceptance industry standard although, unfortunately him, never protected through acquisition of patent.


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