Chamber of Representatives Belgian Federal Parliament

the chamber of representatives holds plenary meetings in palace of nation, brussels. eligibility requirements chamber minimum age of 21, citizenship, , residency in belgium.

the number of seats in chamber constitutionally set @ 150 elected 11 electoral districts. districts divided along linguistic lines: 5 flemish (79 seats), 5 walloon (49 seats), , bilingual district of brussels-halle-vilvoorde (22 seats). districts provinces, except districts of leuven (part of flemish brabant) , brussels-halle-vilvoorde. each district given number of seats proportional population (not number of voters) ranging 4 luxembourg 24 antwerp. districts have electoral threshold of 5%, except brussels-halle-vilvoorde , leuven; districts monolingual, except brussels-halle-vilvoorde encompasses both 19 bilingual municipalities brussels-capital region , 35 dutch-speaking municipalities in flemish brabant, incl. 7 language facilities french-speakers.

the current composition elected @ federal elections of 2014.


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