Issues and concerns Milpitas, California

1 issues , concerns

1.1 pollution
1.2 controversy

1.2.1 hillside open space initiative

issues , concerns

milpitas suburban community in south bay of san francisco bay area, , cities has few areas of concern citizens. dominant among these overcrowded schools, lack of adequate open parkland, traffic congestion, , air quality. seekers of public offices typically face stiff competition @ election time.


milpitas experiences odorous air traveling downwind bay salt marshes, newby island landfill, anaerobic digestion facility @ 0 waste energy development company, , san jose sewage treatment plant s percolation ponds. malodorous during autumn, pungent west of interstate 880 because of close location san francisco bay , direction of prevailing winds out of north-northwest. city of milpitas remedy air quality problem extent can , encourages residents file odor complaints.

local creeks , nearby san francisco bay suffer water pollution originating street water runoff , industrial wastes. creeks in milpitas, calera, scott, , berryessa creeks, used prime fishing spots native steelhead until pollutants urban development , industry killed fish starting in 1950s. while small populations of steelhead , salmon still may seen in area streams these cannot legally fished , consumption of legal catches limited mercury contamination.

the i-880 corridor has experienced relatively elevated levels of air pollution freeway traffic. example, eight-hour standards carbon monoxide have been near maximum levels last 2 decades.

hillside open space initiative

in late 20th , 21st centuries, milpitas voters enacted measures protect west-facing hillsides east of city development.


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