History Ofakim

patish fort

ofakim established in 1955 urban center rural communities in area. first inhabitants immigrants morocco , tunisia. population in 1955 600. inhabitants lived in huts , tin shacks, construction of permanent housing proceeded rapidly, , construction industry main source of income during years. in late 1956, after jewish refugees expelled egypt following suez crisis arrived in israel, 150 egyptian-jewish immigrant families, including karaite jews, came ofakim. in following years, 170 jewish families iran arrived, did additional immigrants india , romania. in 1958, ofakim granted local council status.

apartment blocks in ofakim

in late 1950s, construction industry still main employer, , residents worked in agriculture nearby, industry began established in ofakim, starting diamond polishing plant, followed 2 textile factories opened in 1959. @ same time, town s streets paved, public parks established, , schools founded. in 1961, population 4,600. in other development towns, industrial sector historically played important part in ofakim s economy. in 1972, 32% of salaried workers (754 people) in sector, , in 1983—924 people (23%). during period, textile industry grew dominate ofakim s economy. numerous textile plants set up, , industry employed far workers, ranging 72% (1982–83) 82% (1972). of–ar (short ofakim–argentina) textile factory major employer. in 1983, population had grown 12,600.

commercial center in city s industrial area

ofakim s economy declined after israeli textile manufacturers began closing factories in israel move production other countries lower labor costs, in southwest asia, , egypt , jordan after israel signed peace treaties 2 countries. starting in mid-1980s, city s textile mills began shut down, last 1 closing in 1995, rendering of population unemployed. in 1990s, during mass migration of jews former soviet union israel, more 7,000 soviet immigrants arrived in ofakim, , provided heavily subsidized housing. fueled further competition jobs, , due fact soviet immigrants typically better educated unskilled or semi-skilled veteran population, better able few jobs available. few more plants moved town in 1990s, including electronics factory in 1996, unemployment remained high. ofakim gained reputation economically depressed city in israel. in 1997, had highest unemployment rate in israel, @ 15.3%. had highest unemployment rate in 2004, @ on 14%. in 2008, haaretz reported: one-third of inhabitants supported welfare department , hundreds of families receive aid, including food, non-profit organizations. many of inhabitants in 50s , 60s have been dreaming of fleeing ofakim since 20. when retire, leave.

in 2007, israeli interior ministry dismissed ofakim mayor avi asaraf , entire city council posts failing implement recovery plan ofakim. zvika greengold became new mayor.

throughout 2000s , 2010s, ofakim gradually saw improvements in economy. tax incentives given open new factories in ofakim, , branch of mati, organization supports small businesses, opened. high-tech industry entered ofakim. city undergoing series of major development projects.


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