Administration Austrian Silesia

administrative division of silesia crown land of austria in 1900.

the duchy of upper , lower silesia divided 2 districts (bezirke) of teschen (těšínský kraj, pop. 213,040 in 1847) , troppau (opavský kraj, pop. 260,199) seat @ krnov. in eastern teschen, autonomous duchy of bielsko established in 1754. upon revolutions of 1848 , dissolution austrian silesia intermittently re-organised districts of:

bielitz (bielsko)
freistadt (fryštát)
freiwaldau (frývaldov)
freudenthal (bruntál)
friedek (frýdek)
jägerndorf (krnov)
teschen (cieszyn/těšín)
troppau (opava)
wagstadt (bilovec).

for example, in 1900, there 8 bezirkshauptmannschaften in austrian silesia (in comparison above list without frydek).


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