World War II and post-war division Princely County of Gorizia and Gradisca

the province of gorizia within operational zone adriatic coast (1943-1945)

in 1941, axis invasion of yugoslavia, situation became worse. 1942, yugoslav resistance penetrated in region bordering province of ljubljana. several important clashes between resistance , italian military happened. after italian armistice in september 1943, nazi germany occupied region, incorporating operational zone adriatic coast, led gauleiter friedrich rainer.

already in september 1943, large portions of region taken on communist-led liberation front of slovenian people, established several important bases in area, including famous franja partisan hospital. fights between communist-led resistance , nazis frequent. soon, german authorities adopted pragmatic approach regarding local slovenian population: public use of slovenian language allowed again. anti-communist collaborationist militia called slovene home guard allowed establish units in area, although had little success in recruiting locals. @ same time, politically motivated assassinations carried out communist cells within resistance movement. among victims, there several roman catholic priests , anti-fascists opposed communist ideology.

after end of world war ii in 1945, entire region liberated yugoslav people s army, forced withdraw western part. during forty days of yugoslav occupation, thousands of italians arrested communist authorities; of them released, several hundred of them perished in foibe massacres.

for 2 years, gorizia , gradisca contested region between italy , socialist federal republic of yugoslavia, divided so-called morgan line. territory west of line (including entire soča valley, lower vipava valley , of karst plateau) occupied british , u.s. forces, while east remained under yugoslav military administration. in september 1947, region divided between 2 countries: yugoslavia got of rural territory of eastern part, while of western lowlands , urban center of gorizia left italy. small portion of karst region between trieste , duino incorporated zone of allied-administered free territory of trieste (which became part of italy in 1954).

gorizia , gradisca ceased exist unified historical region. yugoslav portion became integral part of socialist republic of slovenia: of territory included in goriška region, except karst plateau, incorporated littoral–inner carniola statistical region. new urban center, called nova gorica ( new gorizia ) built between late 1940s , in 1950s. italian portion became part of friuli-venezia giulia autonomous region, included in province of gorizia.


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