HIV/AIDS Lesotho

lesotho severely afflicted hiv/aids. according 2009 estimates, prevalence 23.6%, 1 of highest in world. in urban areas, 50% of women under 40 have hiv. undp stated in 2006 life expectancy in lesotho estimated @ 42 years men , women.

the country regards hiv 1 of important development issues, , government addressing pandemic through hiv/aids national strategic plan. coverage of key hiv/aids interventions has improved, including prevention of mother child transmission , antiretroviral therapy. prevention of mother child transmission coverage increased 5 percent in 2005, 31 percent in 2007. roll-out of antiretroviral therapy has made progress, 38,586 people receiving treatment 2008.

the know status campaign boosted number of people being tested hiv 229,092 end of 2007, 12 percent of population , 3 times number tested in 2005. program funded clinton foundation , started in june 2006. bill clinton , microsoft chairman bill gates visited lesotho in july 2006 assess fight against aids. result, annual rate @ adults in population hiv-negative become hiv-positive declined 2.9 percent in 2005 2.3 percent in 2007, lowering estimated annual number of new infections 26,000 21,560. these first signs of decline in hiv epidemic.

the apparel lesotho alliance fight aids (alafa) industry-wide program providing prevention , treatment, including arvs when these necessary, 46,000 women workers in lesotho apparel industry. launched in may 2006. program helping combat 2 of key drivers of hiv/aids epidemic: poverty , gender inequality. surveys within industry alafa show 43% of employees have hiv.

prince harry of uk co-founded charity sentebale in lesotho, children hiv/aids. other co-founder prince of lesotho.


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