Ceramics Lao art

lao ceramics first uncovered in 1970 @ construction site @ kilometer 3, thadeua road in vientiane area, mekong valley, laos. construction halted temporarily, , kiln hastily , unprofessionally excavated on one-month period. @ least 4 more kilns have been identified since then, , surface evidence , topography indicate @ least 1 hundred more in ban tao hai village of jar kilns vicinity archaeologists have labeled area sisattanak kiln site

further research:

the work carried out team of laotian archaeologists , australian archaeologists.
a large number of ceramics (sherds, debris, , intact pieces) have been found there, decorative objects, , molded pipes.
the scientific tests done @ geographical location of oven outside first compound of vientiane suggest site date fifteenth century.
the uncovered objects grouped 4 kinds: raw sandstone, glazed sandstone (bowls, dishes, jars, oil lamps, vases, weights fishing net, chess pieces), molded pipes, , qcendi pottery (utensils, stoves, , cooking pots).
sisattanak s pottery remains archaeologists consider simple , utilitarian, showing lack of creativity on part of potters result of weak influences, or external competition.

source: don hein: mike barbetti , thongsa sayavongkhamdy. excavation @ sisattanak kiln site by: françois lagirarde


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