Fourth term: 2004.E2.80.932007 Howard Government

1 fourth term: 2004–2007

1.1 tsunami , changing opposition leaders
1.2 industrial relations
1.3 anti-terrorism measures
1.4 mandatory detention policy
1.5 energy , environment
1.6 northern territory intervention
1.7 economy
1.8 other activities
1.9 international affairs
1.10 2007 election loss

fourth term: 2004–2007

the final term of howard government saw government operating rare majority in upper house of parliament, enabling passage of long delayed elements of howard s economic , industrial relations agenda. while australia enjoyed economic conditions, wars in afghanistan , iraq remained controversial. labor party , trade union movement campaigned heavily against howard s industrial relations reforms , opposed australia s commitment iraq war. in final months, government launched historic intervention on aboriginal health , education.

tsunami , changing opposition leaders

on 26 december 2004, massive tsunami devastated large areas of indonesia, thailand , sri lanka. howard moved offer a$1 billion aid package , won praise indonesia s president being first on phone , first on ground aiding indonesia. after nose-diving @ time of interfet intervention in east timor in 1999, government-to-government ties indonesia had been strengthening in aftermath of 2002 bali bombing, notably through counter-terrorism co-operation , inter-faith dialogue. australian response tsunami further consolidated improving relations , personal rapport between indonesian president susilo bambang yudhoyono , john howard.

opposition leader mark latham came under criticism failing take time out christmas leave comment on tsunami disaster adding growing speculation leadership. citing ill-health, latham resigned leader after , replaced veteran kim beazley. unable dent howard s popularity preferred prime minister, beazley s replaced in december 2006 kevin rudd.

industrial relations

kevin andrews minister employment , workplace relations during introduction , implementation of workchoices

the government s senate majority allowed howard , costello implement final elements of industrial relations policies envisaged under workplace relations , other legislation amendment act 1997. workchoices policy sought increase deregulation of australian employment market , replaced former commonwealth employment service competitive market of private employment service businesses.

in 2005, howard announced significant changes industrial relations laws. government ministers, including howard, felt coalition s new senate majority should used implement potentially unpopular legislation. time first hinted at, changes became subject of national publicity campaign government , pronounced opposition community groups, union movement , state labor governments.

workchoices became focus of intense campaign of opposition trade union movement , australian labor party. on 15 november 2005, public rallies held protest against industrial relations reforms. estimated 100,000–175,000 people attended rallies in melbourne , around 300 other meetings , rallies, held concurrently around country, attended. these meetings organised unions , community organisations of labor , greens. due coalition s slim majority in senate, passage of proposed laws put in doubt following criticisms queensland national party senator barnaby joyce, although later voted in support of legislation. industrial relations laws passed without substantial change.

workchoices continued unpopular after came effect on 27 march 2006. opinion polls found 63 percent of voters opposed workchoices in 2006 , 65 percent in 2007, , policy reducing support coalition. government responded continuing union campaign against reforms conducting large scale information campaign of own. on 4 may 2007 howard announced reforms workchoices included new fairness test protect workers paid less $75,000 year. despite these responses, labor party s polling in 2007 found opposition workchoices 1 of 3 biggest vote drivers @ election.

anti-terrorism measures

howard secretary of state condoleezza rice, attorney general philip ruddock , foreign minister alexander downer in march 2006.

in mid-2005, john howard , cabinet began discussions of new anti-terror legislation includes modification crimes act 1914. in particular, sections relating sedition modified. on 14 october 2005, jon stanhope (chief minister of act) took controversial step of publishing confidential draft of federal anti-terrorism bill 2005 on website. action both praised , criticised. citing concerns civil rights raised australian national university concerns on speed of legislation s passage through parliament, later refused sign off on revised version of legislation, becoming state , territorial leader not sign. house of representatives passed anti-terrorism legislation debated in senate before final implementation in december 2005.

on 2 november 2005 howard held press conference announce had received information police , australian security intelligence organisation (asio) indicated imminent terrorist attack in australia. within week, on 8 november, anti-terrorist raids held across melbourne , sydney, 17 suspected terrorists arrested, including abdul nacer benbrika. these raids, according howard, demonstrated need anti-terrorism bill.

after mohamed haneef spent 12 days in jail without charges (he incorrectly suspected have supported perpetrators of foiled terror attacks in london , glasgow in july 2007), anti-terrorism bill , impact on separation of powers became more publicly discussed. when judge found insufficient evidence charges against haneef, minister of immigration kevin andrews withdrew haneef s working visa. while howard government unequivocally backed kevin andrew s decision, members of judicial community in australia expressed concern interference of government in judicial proceedings.

mandatory detention policy

throughout first half of 2005, howard government faced pressure regarding controversial mandatory detention program, introduced in 1992 keating labor government.

it revealed in february mentally ill german citizen , australian resident, cornelia rau, had been held in detention 9 months. government established closed non-judicial palmer inquiry promising findings made public. in may, revealed australian, subsequently identified vivian solon, had been deported australia , department responsible unable locate her. late may, revealed additional 200 cases of possible wrongful detention had been referred palmer inquiry. @ time howard faced backbench revolt small numbers of own party demanding reforms made. on 9 june australia s longest serving detainee, peter qasim, moved psychiatric hospital.

in june 2005, several backbenchers including petro georgiou challenged howard government s holding of asylum-seeker children in immigration detention centres. on 2000 asylum-seeker children held in detention centres during previous years. longest period child detained 5 years.

under agreement between howard , mps, legislation introduced soften detention system enacted in 1992. detained families children moved out of detention centres , placed in community detention , , people detained on 2 years received ombudsman review. questioned why government had not acted sooner, howard quoted saying: have confess 1 of many failings of government.

in 2003, economist ross gittins, columnist @ fairfax media, said former prime minister john howard had been tricky chap on immigration, appearing tough on illegal immigration win support working class, while simultaneously winning support employers high legal immigration.

energy , environment

malcolm turnbull became minister environment in 2007.

the howard government negotiated favourable kyoto protocol targets australia (8% growth on 1990 levels) , australia estimated have matched target in 2007 @ close of howard government s term. nevertheless, elected not sign treaty following withdrawal of united states support process. howard argued without involvement of united states , without binding emission reduction targets other large emitters in developing world, in particular china , india, treaty not viable , harm australia s coal industry without reducing global emissions.

[ratifying kyoto] have damaged comparative advantage country enjoyed result of our abundance of fossil fuels , importance of abundance australia s export , general performance. [...] not intend preside on policy changes in area going rob australia of competitive advantage in industries important us.

on 6 june 2006, howard announced task force conduct uranium mining, processing, , nuclear energy review , terms of reference of include extent nuclear energy make contribution reduction of global greenhouse gas emissions .

howard announced on 10 december 2006 formation of prime ministerial task group on emissions trading. on 3 february 2007, australian government announced not have significant effect on mitigation of global warming, though continue make efforts cut greenhouse gases; necessary australia find means of adaptation. on 4 june 2007, howard reversed decision , announced new carbon trading scheme in place in australia 2012. lengthy timeline welcomed investors, asking 3 years plan scheme s introduction.

in july 2007, howard announced in video message on website, government plan introduce new cap , trade emissions trading system , $627 million increase spending on measures tackle climate change. scheme planned enter operation 2011, policy not implemented following coalition s loss @ 2007 election.

at apec 2007, howard , other leaders signed sydney declaration saw developing countries officially agree, first time, on need set goals cutting greenhouse gas emissions.

northern territory intervention

in august 2007, prime minister howard , indigenous affairs minister mal brough announced $1.6 billion northern territory national emergency response (nter). package of revisions welfare provisions, law enforcement , other measures advanced plan addressing child abuse in aboriginal northern territory communities had been highlighted little children sacred report in mid-june.

while scheme received bi-partisan support opposition led kevin rudd, , commitments health , policing improvements received, other aspects of plan criticised. key component of intervention included compulsory acquisition federal government of local community land leases five-year period; , removal of permit system had been designed allow aboriginal communities control access land, mal brough had been arguing in fact contributing aboriginal disadvantage preventing aboriginal camps becoming normal suburbs , towns.

another controversial aspect of plan introduction of welfare income management among prescribed communities. these provisions forced 50% of government welfare payments reserved recipients strictly purchasing essential goods such food. alcohol , pornography banned in these communities. critics of scheme labelled these measures discriminatory.

the plan drew criticism little children sacred report s authors incorporating few of report s recommendations, , broadly criticised lowitja o donoghue , dodson brothers; received support activists including marcia langton, sue gordon , noel pearson. pearson outlined qualified support: m in agreement emphasis on grog , policing. m in agreement attaching conditions welfare payments. difference between proposals ve put forward government... there difference in concerned people acting responsibly in relation payments receive, should continue exercise freedoms , decisions, should target cases of responsibility failure. critics, northern territory labor parliamentarian marion scrymgour questioned government s motives implying intervention attempt @ pre-election wedge politics .


julie bishop served minister education, science , training 2006. final costello budget contained number of education initiatives.

the howard government s fourth term took place during period of exceptional economic growth , prosperity. during term on 855,000 new jobs created, unemployment declined on 4 percent , inflation remained within reserve bank of australia s (rba s) target range of 2–3 percent due in part changes made way in rate calculated, creating appearance of improvement.. government completed repaying commonwealth s debt , recorded surpluses in each of budgets during term. australia s strong economic performance largely attributed reforms made both hawke-keating government , howard government , growth in world economy on same period. growth in australia s productivity did slow during howard government s fourth term, however, , many areas of australia s infrastructure reached capacity , required reform. howard government s ability drive these reforms limited lack of working relationship many of state , territory governments.

the rba s use of monetary policy significant issue during government s fourth term. key element of government s campaign in 2004 election argument coalition government keep interest rates low. result, alp able use rba s 6 interest rate increases on term criticise government. interest rate increases , strong growth in house prices during period contributed housing affordability reaching all-time low.

changes fiscal policy introduced in 2004–05 budget included baby bonus , increased tax benefits families children, , lower income tax rates australians. family benefits introduced howard government led middle-income households becoming largest single group of social welfare recipients. superannuation system changed in 2007 allow people withdraw superannuation tax-free after reached age of 60 , increase incentives semi-retired people work part-time. once commonwealth debt repaid, government used financial surplus establish future fund pay superannuation liabilities , higher education endowment fund established in 2006–07 budget. government negotiated , signed several free trade agreements between 2004 , 2007, including 1 united states had been negotiated during third term.

on 15 september 2005, senate passed telstra (transition full private ownership) bill 2005. first sale 1 third sale had been in 1997, under telstra (dilution of public ownership).

the howard government s 12th , final budget brought down treasurer costello in may 2007. in budget address, costello told parliament australia had recorded longest economic expansion in history , had unemployment @ 30-year low:

in 2007 budget, costello announced number of measures aimed @ education sector: including higher education endowment fund, literacy , numeracy initiatives schools, , measures support vocational education , training , higher education. higher education endowment fund had provision tax concessions private donors , offered $5 billion of seed money pay university buildings , research facilities. government promised income tax cuts , range of welfare , aged care adjustments. amidst severe drought, government promised $10 billion national plan water security , measures drought assistance. issue of climate change received attention, including solar panel rebate scheme , increased funds research , technology.

negotiations japan-australia economic partnership agreement commenced howard government in 2007, , concluded under abbott government in 2014.

other activities

other blocked legislation secured government in term included abolition of compulsory university student union fees , liberalisation of media ownership laws (by lowering restrictions on media companies owning multiple different media). government instructed governor-general disallow civil unions act. in april 2006, government announced had paid off last of $96 billion of commonwealth net debt inherited when came power in 1996. economists welcomed news, while cautioning level of debt not bad, , of debt had been transferred private sector.

in 2005, howard government abolished aboriginal , torres strait islander commission (atsic), federal body charged formally representing indigenous australians. done in response concerns organisational structure conducive corrupt behaviour officers.

in 2006, howard government established $20,000 grant schools employ chaplain in national school chaplaincy program.

international affairs

howard , other apec leaders @ apec australia 2007

australia s commitment iraq war continued through final term of howard government, , australian military presence in afghanistan recommenced in 2005 , expanded conflict continued.

following 2004 asian tsunami, government pledged us$820 million worth of assistance affected countries, including us$761 million indonesia. in 2005, support of indonesia, howard government secured seat australia @ east asian summit.

in 2005, howard reflected on government s cultural , foreign policy outlook in oft repeated terms:

john howard conducted second visit india in 2006. australia-india trade relationship had not undergone growth witnessed in other regional markets during term of howard government, during talks india expressed desire purchase australian uranium. howard government moved overturn australia s policy of not selling material india on basis of being non-signatory nuclear non-proliferation treaty. howard wanted expand australia-india relations, , supported moves india included in quadrilateral security dialogue involving india, australia, japan , united states. following howard s loss @ 2007 election, rudd government discarded howard government s support uranium sales india, , inclusion in new regional defence alliance.

following continued political violence in zimbabwe, howard government moved in may 2007 ban australian cricket team conducting tour of zimbabwe. howard branded robert mugabe of zimbabwe grubby dictator , said feared australian tour used propaganda purposes repressive mugabe regime.

discussion of increased japanese-australian-usa defence ties discussed when howard government played host 2007 apec meeting, culminating in leaders week in sydney. leaders, including president bush, chinese president hu jintao , russian president vladimir putin discussed trade, climate change, energy security, counter-terrorism , anti-corruption policy asia pacific. in important trade agreements, woodside energy , petrochina company limited signed $45 billion agreement supply china lng gas, , russia , australia signed nuclear co-operation pact import more $1 billion year in australian uranium. in climate change policy, sydney declaration saw developing countries (notably china) officially agree on need set goals cutting greenhouse gas emissions.

2007 election loss

opposition leader kevin rudd s policy speech australian labor party in lead 2007 federal election held @ queensland performing arts centre in brisbane on 14 november 2007. rudd identified challenges of climate change , water. challenges of digital economy. challenge of rise of china , india. challenge fix our hospitals, once , all. , above all, challenge transform our education system important election issues; criticised workchoices industrial relations changes; , drew attention howard s intention retire after election in favour of treasurer costello.

the howard government campaigned under slogan of go-for-growth , treasurer costello predicted uncertain economic conditions ahead. in first newspaper interview of campaign, costello warned of impending economic tsunami approaching international financial markets, , predicted united states economy weaken in wake of subprime mortgage crisis, while pace of chinese growth slow.

following earlier publicity surrounding discontent costello @ howard s refusal resign leader in favour prior 2007 election, howard , costello appeared on channel 7 s today tonight programme in effort address issue of coalition s leadership succession plan.

for of 2007, polling various companies including newspoll indicated howard government defeated if went election. election, held on 24 november, represented 5.44 percent swing against government nationwide, stronger swing in queensland of 7.53%. howard lost seat, did 3 of ministers (gary nairn, mal brough , jim lloyd) , 17 other coalition mps, although liberals gained 2 marginal labor seats in western australia. rudd government sworn office on 3 december 2007.

following election, liberal party in opposition throughout australia @ state , federal level; highest liberal office-holder @ time brisbane lord mayor campbell newman. ended after western australian state election, 2008, when colin barnett became premier of state.


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