Development of bilateral relations between the two countries Pakistan–Saudi Arabia relations

saudi arabia , pakistan leading members of organisation of islamic cooperation (oic). saudi arabia 1 of strongest supporters of pakistan during pakistan s wars india, opposing creation of bangladesh pakistan s eastern wing in 1971.

saudi arabia supports pakistan s stance on kashmir conflict, , endorses pakistani position in indo-pakistani peace process. pakistan, provided extensive financial , political support taliban , afghan mujahideen fighting soviet invasion of afghanistan in 1980s. during 1990-1991 persian gulf war, pakistan sent troops protect islamic holy sites in saudi arabia, strains developed when pakistani politicians , gen. mirza aslam beg, then-chief of staff of pakistani army openly expressed support saddam hussein s regime in iraq , invasion of kuwait. along united arab emirates, saudi arabia , pakistan states recognise taliban rule in afghanistan. in may 1998, saudi arabia country taken in complete confidence prime minister nawaz sharif on pakistan s decision on performing atomic test in weapon-testing laboratories-iii (wtl-iii) in region of chagai hills. after ordered atomic tests (see codenames: chagai-i , chagai-ii), saudi arabia, along united arab emirates, countries backed pakistan , congratulated country making bold decision . furthermore, saudi arabia promised supply 50,000 barrels per day of free oil pakistan cope economic sanctions in aftermath


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