Variants Sa'ar 4-class missile boat

1 variants

1.1 israel
1.2 south africa
1.3 sri lanka


ten sa ar iv class boats built israeli navy. of 2013 2 remain in service. 3 disassembled, systems taken use in construction of sa ar 4.5 class vessels. 3 vessels , 1 hull stripped of systems sold chile. 2 vessels sold sri lanka.

south africa

the warrior-class strike craft (formerly designated minister class) in service south african navy modified sa ar iv (reshef class) fast attack craft. in 1974, contract signed israeli military industries construction of 3 of modified reshef class vessels @ haifa facility of israeli shipyards. further 3 built after @ sandock austral shipyard in durban, south africa, 3 more being built @ same facility several years later. imposition of international embargo on sale of arms south africa on 4 november 1977 forced project carried out under cloak of security. south african variants fitted gabriel missiles, known in south africa scorpion missiles, , had 2 oto melara 76 mm guns instead of single 1 phalanx ciws.

sri lanka

in 2000, 2 of israeli boats sold sri lankan navy, forming nandimithra class. not if these boats retain harpoon missile capability, however, these boats retained gabriel missile capability.


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