Milk.2C butter and cheese Goat farming
a goat being machine milked on organic farm
goats produce 2% of world s total annual milk supply. goats bred milk. unprocessed goat milk has small, well-emulsified fat globules, means cream remains suspended in milk instead of rising top, in unprocessed cow milk; therefore, not need homogenized. indeed, if goat milk used make cheese, homogenization not recommended, changes structure of milk, affecting culture s ability coagulate milk , final quality , yield of cheese. dairy goats in peak milk production (generally around third or fourth lactation cycle) average—2.7 3.6 kg (6 8 lb)—of milk production daily—roughly 2.8 3.8 l (3 4 u.s. qt)—during ten-month lactation, producing more after freshening , gradually dropping in production toward end of lactation. milk averages 3.5% butterfat.
goat milk commonly processed cheese, butter, ice cream, yogurt, cajeta , other products. goat cheese known fromage de chèvre ( goat cheese ) in france. varieties include rocamadour , montrachet. goat butter white because goats produce milk yellow beta-carotene converted colourless form of vitamin a.
male goats not required dairy-goat industry , slaughtered meat after birth. in uk, approximately 30,000 billy goats dairy industry slaughtered each year.
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