Henrietta Maria and Charles Henrietta Maria of France

a miniature of henrietta maria john hoskins.

henrietta maria s marriage charles did not begin , ejection of french staff did not improve it. relationship frigid , argumentative, , henrietta maria took immediate dislike duke of buckingham, king s favourite.

instead of charles, 1 of henrietta maria s closest companions in days of marriage lucy hay. lucy wife of james hay, had been favourite of king james , gentleman of bedchamber charles; james had helped negotiate charles s marriage henrietta maria. lucy staunch protestant, noted beauty , strong personality. many contemporaries believed mistress buckingham, rumours henrietta maria have been aware of, , has been argued lucy attempting control new queen on behalf. nonetheless, summer of 1628 2 extremely close friends, hay 1 of queen s ladies-in-waiting.

in august 1628, buckingham assassinated, leaving gap @ royal court. henrietta maria s relationship husband promptly began improve , 2 forged deep bonds of love , affection, marked various jokes played henrietta maria on charles. henrietta maria became pregnant first time in 1628 lost first child shortly after birth in 1629, following difficult labour. in 1630, future charles ii born successfully, however, following complicated childbirth noted physician theodore de mayerne. now, henrietta maria had taken on buckingham s role charles s closest friend , advisor. despite ejection of french staff in 1626, charles s court heavily influenced french society; french used in preference english, being considered more polite language. additionally, charles regularly write letters henrietta maria addressed dear heart. these letters showcase loving nature of relationship. example, on 11 january 1645 charles wrote, , dear heart, thou canst not confident there no danger not hazzard, or pains not undergo, enjoy happiness of thy company

henrietta maria, relationship husband grew stronger, split lucy hay in 1634. specific reasons largely unclear although 2 had had differences before. hay ardent protestant, example, , led rather more dissolute life queen; henrietta maria may have felt rather overshadowed confident , beautiful hay , because had such close bond husband, such confidants no longer necessary.


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