Further reading Vayetze

1 further reading

1.1 biblical
1.2 classical rabbinic
1.3 medieval
1.4 modern

further reading

the parashah has parallels or discussed in these sources:


genesis 24:10–28 (courtship @ well); genesis 44:9 (improvident oath).
exodus 2:15-21 (courtship @ well); 22:12 (domestic animals lost wild animals).
judges 11:30–31 (improvident oath).

classical rabbinic

tosefta: sotah 10:7–8; avodah zarah 4:5. land of israel, circa 300 c.e. reprinted in, e.g., tosefta: translated hebrew, new introduction. translated jacob neusner, volume 1, page 876–77; volume 2, page 1275. peabody, massachusetts: hendrickson publishers, 2002. isbn 1-56563-642-2.
jerusalem talmud: berakhot 43a, 92a; shabbat 10b, 106b; taanit 10b; moed katan 7a; yevamot 43b; ketubot 38b; nedarim 1a; nazir 1a; sotah 17a, 32a; sanhedrin 18a. land of israel, circa 400 ce. reprinted in, e.g., talmud yerushalmi. edited chaim malinowitz, yisroel simcha schorr, , mordechai marcus, volumes 1–2, 13, 15, 25, 28, 30–31, 33–34, 36–37. brooklyn: mesorah publications, 2005–2017. , reprinted in, e.g., jerusalem talmud: translation , commentary. edited jacob neusner , translated jacob neusner, tzvee zahavy, b. barry levy, , edward goldman. peabody, massachusetts: hendrickson publishers, 2009. isbn 978-1-59856-528-7.


genesis rabbah 44:8; 52:5; 67:9, 13; 68:1–74:17; 94:5. land of israel, 5th century. reprinted in, e.g., midrash rabbah: genesis. translated harry freedman , maurice simon. london: soncino press, 1939. isbn 0-900689-38-2.
babylonian talmud: berakhot 4a, 7b, 8b, 26b, 42a, 60a, 62b; shabbat 80b, 115b; eruvin 100b; yoma 38b, 74b, 77a; sukkah 53a; rosh hashanah 11a; taanit 2b; megillah 9a, 10b, 13b, 17a; moed katan 7b, 15a, 21b; yevamot 26b–27a, 28b, 62b, 97b, 103b; ketubot 7b, 47b, 50a, 91b; nedarim 20b, 64b; nazir 23b, 50a; bava kamma 65b; bava metzia 93b; bava batra 123a–b; sanhedrin 29a, 39b, 98b; makkot 19b; avodah zarah 3a, 5a, 9a, 24b; menachot 63a; chullin 18b, 91b; bekhorot 45a; niddah 31a–b. babylonia, 6th century. reprinted in, e.g., talmud bavli. edited yisroel simcha schorr, chaim malinowitz, , mordechai marcus, 72 volumes. brooklyn: mesorah pubs., 2006.



rashi. commentary. genesis 28–32. troyes, france, late 11th century. reprinted in, e.g., rashi. torah: rashi s commentary translated, annotated, , elucidated. translated , annotated yisrael isser zvi herczeg, volume 1, pages 309–57. brooklyn: mesorah publications, 1995. isbn 0-89906-026-9.
rashbam. commentary on torah. troyes, 12th century. reprinted in, e.g., rabbi samuel ben meir s commentary on genesis: annotated translation. translated martin i. lockshin, pages 162–97. lewiston, new york: edwin mellen press, 1989. isbn 0-88946-256-9.

judah halevi

judah halevi. kuzari. 2:14, 50, 80. toledo, spain, 1130–1140. reprinted in, e.g., jehuda halevi. kuzari: argument faith of israel. introduction henry slonimsky, pages 91, 114, 133. new york: schocken, 1964. isbn 0-8052-0075-4.
abraham ibn ezra. commentary on torah. mid-12th century. reprinted in, e.g., ibn ezra s commentary on pentateuch: genesis (bereshit). translated , annotated h. norman strickman , arthur m. silver, pages 275–310. new york: menorah publishing company, 1988. isbn 0-932232-07-8.
hezekiah ben manoah. hizkuni. france, circa 1240. reprinted in, e.g., chizkiyahu ben manoach. chizkuni: torah commentary. translated , annotated eliyahu munk, volume 1, pages 215–41. jerusalem: ktav publishers, 2013. isbn 978-1-60280-261-2.
nachmanides. commentary on torah. jerusalem, circa 1270. reprinted in, e.g., ramban (nachmanides): commentary on torah: genesis. translated charles b. chavel, volume 1, pages 349–93. new york: shilo publishing house, 1971. isbn 0-88328-006x.


midrash ha-ne lam (the midrash of concealed). spain, 13th century. reprinted in zohar chadash, pages 27b–28d. salonika, 1587. reprinted in, e.g., zohar: pritzker edition. translation , commentary nathan wolski, volume 10, pages 425–47. stanford, california: stanford university press, 2016. isbn 978-0-8047-8804-5.
zohar 1:146b–65b. spain, late 13th century. reprinted in, e.g., zohar. translated harry sperling , maurice simon. 5 volumes. london: soncino press, 1934.
isaac ben moses arama. akedat yizhak (the binding of isaac). late 15th century. reprinted in, e.g., yitzchak arama. akeydat yitzchak: commentary of rabbi yitzchak arama on torah. translated , condensed eliyahu munk, volume 1, pages 196–209. new york, lambda publishers, 2001. isbn 965-7108-30-6.



saul levi morteira

isaac abravanel. commentary on torah. italy, between 1492–1509. reprinted in, e.g., abarbanel: selected commentaries on torah: volume 1: bereishis/genesis. translated , annotated israel lazar, pages 185–209. brooklyn: createspace, 2015. isbn 978-1507686164.
obadiah ben jacob sforno. commentary on torah. venice, 1567. reprinted in, e.g., sforno: commentary on torah. translation , explanatory notes raphael pelcovitz, pages 148–73. brooklyn: mesorah publications, 1997. isbn 0-89906-268-7.
moshe alshich. commentary on torah. safed, circa 1593. reprinted in, e.g., moshe alshich. midrash of rabbi moshe alshich on torah. translated , annotated eliyahu munk, volume 1, pages 183–207. new york, lambda publishers, 2000. isbn 965-7108-13-6.
saul levi morteira. “the dust of earth.” budapest, circa 1623. reprinted in marc saperstein. exile in amsterdam: saul levi morteira’s sermons congregation of “new jews,” pages 377–92. cincinnati: hebrew union college press, 2005. isbn 0-87820-457-1.


john donne. “song: go , catch falling star.” england, 17th century. (“get child mandrake root”).
avraham yehoshua heschel. commentaries on torah. cracow, poland, mid 17th century. compiled chanukat hatorah. edited chanoch henoch erzohn. piotrkow, poland, 1900. reprinted in avraham yehoshua heschel. chanukas hatorah: mystical insights of rav avraham yehoshua heschel on chumash. translated avraham peretz friedman, pages 78–80. southfield, michigan: targum press/feldheim publishers, 2004. isbn 1-56871-303-7.


thomas hobbes. leviathan, 3:34, 36; 4:45. england, 1651. reprint edited c. b. macpherson, pages 437, 460, 676–77. harmondsworth, england: penguin classics, 1982. isbn 0-14-043195-0.
moshe chaim luzzatto mesillat yesharim, chapter 4. amsterdam, 1740. reprinted in mesillat yesharim: path of just, page 53. jerusalem: feldheim, 1966. isbn 0-87306-114-4.


chaim ibn attar. ohr ha-chaim. venice, 1742. reprinted in chayim ben attar. or hachayim: commentary on torah. translated eliyahu munk, volume 1, pages 234–72. brooklyn: lambda publishers, 1999. isbn 965-7108-12-8.
george eliot. adam bede, chapters 3, 21. edinburgh , london: william blackwood , sons, 1859. reprinted, e.g., edited carol a. martin, pages 31, 220. oxford: oxford university press, 2008. (seth tells dinah, “it’s deep mystery — way heart of man turns 1 woman out of rest he’s seen i’ world, , makes easier him work 7 year her, jacob did rachel, sooner have other woman th’ asking. think of them words [in genesis 29:20], ‘and jacob served 7 years rachel; , seemed him few days love had her.’” separately, miss liddy works on needlepoint of “jacob , rachel a-kissing 1 among sheep,” reported in genesis 29:11).


samuel david luzzatto (shadal). commentary on torah. padua, 1871. reprinted in, e.g., samuel david luzzatto. torah commentary. translated , annotated eliyahu munk, volume 1, pages 272–309. new york: lambda publishers, 2012. isbn 978-965-524-067-2.
yehudah aryeh leib alter. sefat emet. góra kalwaria (ger), poland, before 1906. excerpted in language of truth: torah commentary of sefat emet. translated , interpreted arthur green, pages 43–48. philadelphia: jewish publication society, 1998. isbn 0-8276-0650-8. reprinted 2012. isbn 0-8276-0946-9.


abraham isaac kook. moral principles. 20th century. reprinted in abraham isaac kook: lights of penitence, moral principles, lights of holiness, essays, letters, , poems. translated ben zion bokser, page 162. mahwah, new jersey: paulist press 1978. isbn 0-8091-2159-x.
rufus town stephenson. “the jacob s ladder in homer.” classical journal, volume 30 (number 9) (june 1935): pages 515–30.
alexander alan steinbach. sabbath queen: fifty-four bible talks young based on each portion of pentateuch, pages 20–22. new york: behrman s jewish book house, 1936.
millar burrows. complaint of laban s daughters. journal of american oriental society, volume 57 (1937): pages 259–76.
cyrus h. gordon. story of jacob , laban in light of nuzi tablets. bulletin of american schools of oriental research, volume 66 (1937): pages 25–27.


irving fineman. jacob, autobiographical novel. new york: random house, 1941.
thomas mann. joseph , brothers. translated john e. woods, pages 24–25, 37, 47, 51, 87, 103–12, 119–20, 124–25, 135, 138, 142, 173–305, 307, 313, 323, 334, 337, 384–86, 388–92, 425, 460, 474, 488, 491–93, 502–03, 511, 515, 517, 519, 524, 530, 669–70, 676–77, 690–91, 693, 715–16, 729–30, 778, 805, 814, 883, 915. new york: alfred a. knopf, 2005. isbn 1-4000-4001-9. published joseph und seine brüder. stockholm: bermann-fischer verlag, 1943.


bernard malamud. “the literary life of laban goldman.” assembly (november 1943). reprinted in bernard malamud. people , uncollected stories. new york: farrar, straus , giroux, 1989. , reprinted in bernard malamud. complete stories. new york: farrar, straus , giroux, 1997. (a character named laban seeks change marriage conventions, deceives others , himself).
bernard malamud. “the first 7 years.” partisan review (september–october 1950). reprinted in bernard malamud. magic barrel. new york: farrar, straus , giroux, 1958. , reprinted in bernard malamud. malamud reader. new york: farrar, straus , giroux, 1967. , reprinted in bernard malamud. stories of bernard malamud. new york: farrar, straus , giroux, 1983. , reprinted in bernard malamud. complete stories. new york: farrar, straus , giroux, 1997. (a refugee works 7 years win hand of employer’s daughter).
charles reznikoff. luzzato: padua 1727. mid 20th century. in harold bloom. american religious poems, page 247. library of america, 2006. isbn 978-1-931082-74-7.
peter r. ackroyd. teraphim. expository times, volume 62 (1950/51): pages 378–80.
m. david. zabal (gen. xxx 26). vetus testamentum, volume 1 (1951): pages 59–60.
david daube , reuven yaron. jacob s reception laban. journal of semitic studies, volume 1 (1956): pages 60–62.
moshe greenberg. @ rachel s theft of teraphim. journal of biblical literature, volume 81 (1962): pages 239–48.
john g. griffiths. celestial ladder , gate of heaven (genesis 28:12,17). expository times, volume 76 (1964/65): page 229.
frederick buechner. magnificent defeat, pages 10–18. seabury press, 1966. reprinted san francisco: harper & row, 1985. isbn 0-06-061174-x.
francisco o. garcia-treto. genesis 31:44 , ‘gilead. zeitschrift für die alttestamentliche wissenschaft, volume 79 (1967): pages 13–17.
delmore schwartz. jacob. in selected poems: summer knowledge, pages 233–35. new york: new directions, 1967. isbn 0-8112-0191-0.
jacob j. finkelstein. old babylonian herding contract , genesis 31:38. journal of american oriental society, volume 88 (1968): pages 30–36.
francis i. andersen. note on genesis 30:8. journal of biblical literature, volume 88 (1969): page 200.
murray h. lichtenstein. dream-theophany , e document. journal of ancient near eastern society, volume 1 (number 2) (1969): pages 45–54.
rintje frankena. remarks on semitic background of chapters xxix–xxxi of book of genesis. oudtestamentische studiën, volume 17 (1972): pages 53–64.
ernest g. clarke. jacob s dream @ bethel interpreted in targums , new testament. studies in religion/sciences religieuses, volume 4 (1974/75): pages 367–77.
francisco o. garcia-treto. jacob s ‘oath-covenant in genesis 28. trinity university studies in religion, volume 10 (1975): pages 1–10.
cornelis houtman. did jacob see in dream @ bethel? remarks on genesis xxviii 10–22. vetus testamentum, volume 27 (1977): pages 337–51.
cornelis houtman. jacob @ mahanaim. remarks on genesis xxxii 2–3. vetus testamentum, volume 28 (1978): pages 37–44.
donald j. wiseman. “they lived in tents.” in biblical , near eastern studies: essays in honor of william sanford la sor. edited gary a. tuttle, pages 195–200. grand rapids: eerdmans, 1978. isbn 0-8028-3500-7.
michael fishbane. genesis 25:19–35:22/the jacob cycle. in text , texture: close readings of selected biblical texts, pages 40–62. new york: schocken books, 1979. isbn 0-8052-3724-0.
john g. gammie. theological interpretation way of literary , tradition analysis: genesis 25–36. in encounter text: form , history in hebrew bible. edited martin j. buss, pages 117–34. philadelphia: fortress, 1979. isbn 158983352x.
charles mabee. jacob , laban: structure of judicial proceedings: (genesis xxxi 25–42). vetus testamentum, volume 30 (1980): pages 192–207.
nehama leibowitz. studies in bereshit (genesis), pages 298–344. jerusalem: world zionist organization, 1981. reprinted new studies in weekly parasha. lambda publishers, 2010. isbn 965524038x.
molly tuby. “jacob s dream.” european judaism: journal new europe, volume 15 (number 1) (summer 1981): pages 13–16.
nathaniel wander. structure, contradiction, , ‘resolution in mythology: father s brother s daughter marriage , treatment of women in genesis 11–50. journal of ancient near eastern society, volume 13 (1981): pages 75–99.


walter brueggemann. genesis: interpretation: bible commentary teaching , preaching, pages 241–66. atlanta: john knox press, 1982. isbn 0-8042-3101-x.
james a. diamond. deception of jacob: new perspective on ancient solution problem. vetus testamentum, volume 34 (1984): pages 211–13.
margaret atwood. handmaid s tale. boston: houghton mifflin, 1986. isbn 0-395-40425-8.


walter brueggemann. genesis: interpretation: bible commentary teaching , preaching, pages 204–12, 241–64. atlanta: john knox press, 1986. isbn 0-8042-3101-x.
pinchas h. peli. torah today: renewed encounter scripture, pages 29–32. washington, d.c.: b nai b rith books, 1987. isbn 0-910250-12-x.
louis h. feldman. “josephus portrait of jacob.” jewish quarterly review, new series, volume 79 (number 2/3) (october 1988–january 1989): pages 101–51.
nahum m. sarna. jps torah commentary: genesis: traditional hebrew text new jps translation, pages 197–223, 398–403. philadelphia: jewish publication society, 1989. isbn 0-8276-0326-6.
jeanne steig , william steig. jacob s ladder. in old testament made easy. new york: farrar straus giroux, 1990. isbn 0-374-22583-4.
frederick buechner. son of laughter. new york: harpercollins, 1993. isbn 0-06-250116-x.
lawrence kushner. god in place , i, did not know: finding self, spirituality , ultimate meaning. jewish lights publishing, 1993. isbn 1-879045-33-8.
pat schneider welcoming angels. in long way home: poems, page 90. amherst, massachusetts: amherst writers , artists press, 1993. isbn 0-941895-11-4.
aaron wildavsky. assimilation versus separation: joseph administrator , politics of religion in biblical israel, pages 5–6, 8. new brunswick, new jersey: transaction publishers, 1993. isbn 1-56000-081-3.
judith s. antonelli. rachel , leah: making sisterhood powerful. in in image of god: feminist commentary on torah, pages 72–87. northvale, new jersey: jason aronson, 1995. isbn 1-56821-438-3.
naomi h. rosenblatt , joshua horwitz. wrestling angels: genesis teaches our spiritual identity, sexuality, , personal relationships, pages 259–88. delacorte press, 1995. isbn 0-385-31330-6.
avivah gottlieb zornberg. beginning of desire: reflections on genesis, pages 180–215. new york: image books/doubelday, 1995. isbn 0-385-48337-6.


ellen frankel. 5 books of miriam: woman’s commentary on torah, pages 49–63. new york: g. p. putnam s sons, 1996. isbn 0-399-14195-2.
w. gunther plaut. haftarah commentary, pages 64–73. new york: uahc press, 1996. isbn 0-8074-0551-5.
beginning journey: toward women s commentary on torah. edited emily h. feigenson, pages 1–59, 151–53. women of reform judaism, federation of temple sisterhoods, 1997.
sorel goldberg loeb , barbara binder kadden. teaching torah: treasury of insights , activities, pages 46–51. denver: a.r.e. publishing, 1997. isbn 0-86705-041-1.

de fréine

scott e. noegel. sex, sticks, , trickster in gen. 30:31–43. journal of ancient near eastern society, volume 25 (1997): pages 7–17.
celia de fréine. “jacob s ladder.” poetry ireland review, number 57 (summer 1998): pages 41–42.
mary doria russell. children of god: novel, page 427. new york: villard, 1998. isbn 0-679-45635-x. ( god in place, , — did not know it. ).


susan freeman. teaching jewish virtues: sacred sources , arts activities, pages 69–84, 228–40, 332–46. springfield, new jersey: a.r.e. publishing, 1999. isbn 978-0-86705-045-5. (genesis 28:17; 29:9–11, 13, 25).
adin steinsaltz. simple words: thinking matters in life, page 199. new york: simon & schuster, 1999. isbn 0-684-84642-x.


israel finkelstein , neil asher silberman. “searching patriarchs.” in bible unearthed: archaeology s new vision of ancient israel , origin of sacred texts, pages 27–47. new york: free press, 2001. isbn 0-684-86912-8.
lainie blum cogan , judy weiss. teaching haftarah: background, insights, , strategies, pages 519–36. denver: a.r.e. publishing, 2002. isbn 0-86705-054-3.
michael fishbane. jps bible commentary: haftarot, pages 40–55. philadelphia: jewish publication society, 2002. isbn 0-8276-0691-5.
alan lew. real , unprepared: days of awe journey of transformation, pages 154–55. boston: little, brown , co., 2003. isbn 0-316-73908-1.
robert alter. 5 books of moses: translation commentary, pages 149–77. new york: w.w. norton & co., 2004. isbn 0-393-01955-1.
jon d. levenson. genesis. in jewish study bible. edited adele berlin , marc zvi brettler, pages 58–66. new york: oxford university press, 2004. isbn 0-19-529751-2.
frank anthony spina. esau: face of god. in faith of outsider: exclusion , inclusion in biblical story, pages 14–34. william b. eerdmans publishing company, 2005. isbn 0802828647.


jules francis gomes. sanctuary of bethel , configuration of israelite identity. de gruyter, 2006. isbn 3110189933.
james l. kugel. ladder of jacob: ancient interpretations of biblical story of jacob , children. princeton: princeton university press, 2006. isbn 0-691-12122-2.
denise levertov. jacob s ladder in harold bloom, american religious poems, page 379. library of america, 2006. isbn 978-1-931082-74-7.
w. gunther plaut. torah: modern commentary: revised edition. revised edition edited david e.s. stern, pages 194–217. new york: union reform judaism, 2006. isbn 0-8074-0883-2.
suzanne a. brody. leah s lesson. in dancing in white spaces: yearly torah cycle , more poems, page 68. shelbyville, kentucky: wasteland press, 2007. isbn 1-60047-112-9.
james l. kugel. how read bible: guide scripture, , now, pages 133–62, 170–71, 195, 353, 400, 521. new york: free press, 2007. isbn 0-7432-3586-x.


esther jungreis. life test, pages 77–78, 130, 134, 163. brooklyn: shaar press, 2007. isbn 1-4226-0609-0.
the torah: women s commentary. edited tamara cohn eskenazi , andrea l. weiss, pages 157–82. new york: urj press, 2008. isbn 0-8074-1081-0.
jonathan goldstein. jacob , esau. in ladies , gentlemen, bible! pages 105–14. new york: riverhead books, 2009. isbn 978-1-59448-367-7.
reuven hammer. entering torah: prefaces weekly torah portion, pages 41–46. new york: gefen publishing house, 2009. isbn 978-965-229-434-0.
yoel kahn. “and jacob came out: parashat vayetzei (genesis 28:10–32:3).” in torah queeries: weekly commentaries on hebrew bible. edited gregg drinkwater, joshua lesser, , david shneer; foreword judith plaskow, pages 43–46. new york: new york university press, 2009. isbn 0-8147-2012-9.
timothy keller. love not need , end of counterfeit gods. in counterfeit gods: empty promises of money, sex, , power, , hope matters. dutton adult, 2009. isbn 0525951369. (jacob s love rachel; jacob , esau).


jonathan sacks. covenant & conversation: weekly reading of jewish bible: genesis: book of beginnings, pages 177–210. new milford, connecticut: maggid books, 2009. isbn 978-1-59264-020-1.
john h. walton. genesis. in zondervan illustrated bible backgrounds commentary. edited john h. walton, volume 1, pages 106–15. grand rapids, michigan: zondervan, 2009. isbn 978-0-310-25573-4.
raymond westbrook. word: jacob manipulates justice. biblical archaeology review, volume 35 (number 3) (may/june 2009): pages 50–55, 64.
calum carmichael. book of numbers: critique of genesis, pages 1, 7–8, 20, 55, 73, 92, 99–100, 120–21, 126–30, 133–34, 136, 147–56, 159, 192. new haven: yale university press, 2012. isbn 978-0-300-17918-7.


shmuel herzfeld. yaakov s synagogue: model of us. in fifty-four pick up: fifteen-minute inspirational torah lessons, pages 35–38. jerusalem: gefen publishing house, 2012. isbn 978-965-229-558-3.
chee-chiew lee. “once again: niphal , hithpael of ברך‎ in abrahamic blessing nations.” journal study of old testament, volume 36 (number 3) (march 2012): pages 279–96. (genesis 28:14).
william g. dever. lives of ordinary people in ancient israel: when archaeology , bible intersect, pages 46, 290. grand rapids, michigan: william b. eerdmans publishing company, 2012. isbn 978-0-8028-6701-8.
jerry rabow. lost matriarch: finding leah in bible , midrash. philadelphia: jewish publication society, 2014. isbn 978-0827612075.
jonathan sacks. lessons in leadership: weekly reading of jewish bible, pages 31–34. new milford, connecticut: maggid books, 2015. isbn 978-1-59264-432-2.
jean-pierre isbouts. archaeology of bible: greatest discoveries genesis roman era, pages 62–66. washington, d.c.: national geographic, 2016. isbn 978-1-4262-1704-3.
jonathan sacks. essays on ethics: weekly reading of jewish bible, pages 41–45. new milford, connecticut: maggid books, 2016. isbn 978-1-59264-449-0.


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