First English Civil War (1642–6) Henrietta Maria of France

henrietta maria , charles before war, son prince charles. henrietta maria , husband spend of war apart, corresponding letter. hendrik gerritsz pot, royal collection

in august 1642, when civil war began, henrietta maria in europe @ hague, raising money royalist cause. henrietta maria focused on raising money on security of royal jewels, , in attempting persuade prince of orange , king of denmark support charles cause. not during period, suffering toothache, headaches, cold , coughs. henrietta maria s negotiations difficult; larger pieces of jewellery both expensive sold easily, , politically risky – many buyers deterred in case future english parliament attempted reclaim them, arguing had been illegally sold henrietta maria. henrietta maria partially successful in negotiations, particularly smaller pieces, portrayed in english press selling off crown jewels foreigners buy guns religious conflict, adding unpopularity @ home. urged charles, in york, take firm action , secure strategic port of hull @ earliest opportunity, angrily responding delays in taking action.

at beginning of 1643, henrietta maria attempted return england. first attempt cross hague not easy one; battered storms, ship came close sinking , forced return port. henrietta maria used delay convince dutch release shipload of arms king, had been held @ request of parliament. defying astrologers, predicted disaster, set sea again @ end of february. second attempt successful , evaded parliamentarian navy land @ bridlington in yorkshire troops , arms. pursuing naval vessels bombarded town, forcing royal party take cover in neighbouring fields; henrietta maria returned under fire, however, recover pet dog mitte had been forgotten staff.

henrietta maria paused period @ york, entertained in style earl of newcastle. henrietta maria took opportunity discuss situation north of border royalist scots, promoting plans of montrose , others uprising. supported earl of antrim s proposals settle rebellion in ireland , bring forces across sea support king in england. henrietta maria continued vigorously argue nothing less total victory on charles enemies, countering proposals compromise. rejected private messages pym , hampden asking use influence on king create peace treaty, , impeached parliament shortly afterwards. meanwhile, parliament had voted destroy private chapel @ somerset house , arrest capuchin friars maintained it. in march, henry marten , john clotworthy forced way chapel troops , destroyed altarpiece rubens, smashed many of statues , made bonfire of queen s religious canvases, books , vestments.

travelling south in summer, met charles @ kineton, near edgehill, before travelling on royal capital in oxford. journey through contested midlands not easy one, , prince rupert sent stratford-upon-avon escort her. despite difficulties of journey, henrietta maria enjoyed herself, eating in open air soldiers , meeting friends along way. arrived in oxford bringing fresh supplies great acclaim; poems written in honour, , jermyn, chamberlain, given peerage king @ request.

merton college chapel, became henrietta maria s private chapel while based in oxford during civil war.

henrietta maria spent autumn , winter of 1643 in oxford charles, attempted, best could, maintain pleasant court life had enjoyed before war. queen lived in warden s lodgings in merton college, adorned royal furniture had been brought london. queen s usual companions present: denbigh, davenant, dwarves; rooms overrun dogs, including mitte. atmosphere in oxford combination of fortified city , royal court, , henrietta maria stressed worry.

by 1644, however, king s military situation had started deteriorate. royalist forces in north came under pressure, , following royalist defeat @ battle of alresford in march, royal capital @ oxford less secure. queen pregnant future princess henrietta , decision taken withdraw safely west bath. charles travelled far abingdon before returning oxford sons – last time 2 saw each other.

henrietta maria continued south-west beyond bath exeter, stopped, awaiting imminent labour. meanwhile, however, parliamentarian generals earl of essex , william waller had produced plan exploit situation. waller pursue , hold down king , forces, while essex strike south exeter aim of capturing henrietta maria , thereby acquiring valuable bargaining counter on charles. june, essex s forces had reached exeter. henrietta maria had had difficult childbirth, , king had appeal usual physician, de mayerne, risk leaving london attend her. queen in considerable pain , distress, decided threat essex great; leaving baby henrietta in exeter because of risks of journey, stayed @ pendennis castle took sea falmouth in dutch vessel france on 14 july. despite coming under fire parliamentarian ship, instructed captain sail on, reaching brest in france , protection of french family.

by end of year, charles position getting weaker , desperately needed henrietta maria raise additional funds , troops continent. campaigns of 1645 went poorly royalists, however, , capture, , subsequent publishing, of correspondence between henrietta maria , charles in 1645 following battle of naseby proved hugely damaging royal cause. in 2 decisive engagements—the battle of naseby in june , battle of langport in july—the parliamentarians destroyed charles armies. finally, in may 1646 charles sought shelter presbyterian scottish army @ southwell in nottinghamshire.


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