Attention training Cognitive bias modification

the attentional bias 1 of several different cognitive biases. attentional bias tendency of salient cues in person s environment preferentially draw and/or hold person s attention. example, individuals anxiety disorders demonstrate automatic attentional bias towards threatening cues in environment , drug users , addicts demonstrate automatic attentional bias towards drug related cues in environment.

the rise of research in cognitive bias modification has led recent publication of special issue of journal of abnormal psychology focusing on methods , technologies used cognitive bias modification in psychopathology. attentional retraining cognitive bias modification predicated on observed attentional bias evident in psychopathology. common task used retrain attention in psychopathologies dot-probe task developed macleod et al. (1986). if attentional biases have causal role on maintenance of anxiety or drug addictions lowering attentional biases should therefore lower feelings of anxiety amongst anxious , craving , promote abstinence amongst drug-addicted.


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