Production Banks dory
cod fishing on newfoundland banks
the banks dory type simple , efficient produce, making them suited mass production. 1880, bank dories being built in large numbers in massachusetts towns of gloucester, beverly, essex, newburyport, , salisbury (amesbury). other major areas of production included seabrook, new hampshire; lunenburg, nova scotia; shelburne, nova scotia , both portland , bremen, maine. salisbury alone had 7 shops producing between 200 , 650 boats year. firm of higgins , giford of gloucester advertised in 1886 had built on 3,000 dories in preceding 13 years. founded in 1793, lowell s boat shop of amesbury massachusetts oldest continuously operating boat shop in united states. first build these boats in large numbersand excelled @ mass production. in year 1911 lowell s boat shop produced 2029 dories, averaging 7 dories working day. national landmark , working museum, lowell s boat shop continues build dories , skiffs in lowell tradition day.
the dory shop museum, seen on right, in shelburne, nova scotia.
in nova scotia, towns of lunenburg , shelburne maintained rivalry in mass production of dories. distinction emerged in 1887 use in shelburne of dory clips , metal braces used join frames, versus more expensive stronger natural wood frames used in lunenburg dories. john williams dory shop in shelburne 1 of several shelburne factories mass-producing dories. dory shop museum, operated nova scotia museum , continues produce banks dories local , visiting customers.
the dory shop in lunenburg first opened doors in 1917 when w. laurence allen began building banks dories many fishing schooners filled lunenburg s harbour. though ownership has changed hands few times since then, still producing dories today using same jigs , patterns used 100 years ago. little has changed in way build dories, build many other types of wooden boats , offer dory building classes fishing history enthusiasts.
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