History Carnism

analyzing history of vegetarianism , opposition ancient greece present day, literary scholar renan larue found commonalities in described carnist arguments. according him, carnists typically held vegetarianism ludicrous idea unworthy of attention, mankind invested dominion on animals divine authority, , abstaining violence against animals pose threat humans. found views farmed animals not suffer, , slaughter preferable death disease or predation, gained currency in nineteenth century, former had precedent in writings of porphyry, vegetarian advocated humane production of animal products not require animals slaughtered, such wool.

in 1970s traditional views on moral standing of animals challenged animal rights advocates, including psychologist richard ryder, in 1971 introduced notion of speciesism. defined assignment of value , rights individuals solely on basis of species membership. in 2001 psychologist , animal rights advocate melanie joy coined term carnism form of speciesism argues underpins using animals food, , particularly killing them meat. joy compares carnism patriarchy, arguing both dominant normative ideologies go unrecognized because of ubiquity:

we don t see meat eating vegetarianism – choice, based on set of assumptions animals, our world, , ourselves. rather, see given, natural thing do, way things have been , way things be. eat animals without thinking doing , why, because belief system underlies behavior invisible. invisible belief system call carnism.

sandra mahlke argues carnism central crux of speciesism because eating of meat motivates ideological justification other forms of animal exploitation.

ryder, richard d. (2009). speciesism , in marc bekoff (ed.), encyclopedia of animal rights , animal welfare, greenwood; diamond, cora (2004). eating meat , eating people , in cass sunstein, martha nussbaum (eds.), animal rights: current debates , new directions, oxford university press, p. 93.
^ joy, melanie (2001). carnivore carnist: liberating language of meat , satya, 18(2), september, pp. 126–127; joy, melanie (2003). psychic numbing , meat consumption: psychology of carnism, doctoral dissertion, saybrook graduate school, san francisco.
^ gibert, martin; desaulniers, Élise (2014). carnism (pdf). encyclopedia of food , agricultural ethics. springer netherlands. pp. 292–298. isbn 978-94-007-0929-4. cs1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
^ cite error: named reference joy2011p9 invoked never defined (see page).
^ mahlke, sandra (2014). das machtverhältnis zwischen mensch und tier im kontext sprachlicher distanzierungsmechanismen: anthropozentrismus, speziesismus und karnismus in der kritischen diskursanalyse. diplomica verlag. isbn 978-3-8428-9140-1. 


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