Biography Andreas Jaszlinszky

physica generalis (1756).

physica particularis (1756).

jaszlinszky joined jesuits (october 1733 in trencin) , published physics textbooks professor @ university of trnava (kingdom of hungary in modern-day slovakia), taught philosophy, metaphysics, history, ethics, physics , theology. @ time, university of trnava 1 of major jesuit universities in eastern europe (and university in kingdom of hungary), along braunsberg, lemberg, vilnius, , prague. publication of physica generalis , physica particularis occurred in response 1753 order maria theresa (habsburg ruler in vienna) requiring every professor write textbooks instead of dictating lecture notes, created surge of works adanyi, jaszlinszky, reviczky, radics, , horvath. jaszlinszky became rector of university in 1771, , after suppression of society of jesus in 1773, became canon in rozsnyo. contemporary of johann baptiste horvath, leopold biwald, , joseph redlhamer.

these latin physics textbooks each contain 8 plates descriptions , images of variety of contemporary physics devices including manometers (fluid statics), lenses/prisms (refraction), , various simple machines. coverage of electricity relatively sparse, although many other diverse topics surveyed, including mechanics, magnetism, celestial mechanics, fluid drag experiments, mineralogy, , human anatomy. extensive bibliographical references provided.

interestingly, these textbooks (1750s) @ least ambiguously reflect incorrect cartesian vortex mechanics, rather correct newtonian mechanics embraced horvath (1770s). indeed, modern newtonian mechanics (1687) accepted in hungary 1760s , 1770s. interesting note between 1616 , 1759, 3 years after first publication of physica generalis , physica particularis, jesuit scientists not publish textbooks overtly favoring copernican models of solar system, although heliocentric theory allowed presented along other theories (for example ptolemaic shown below in plate 1 of physica particularis). however, since nagyszombat had astronomical observatory (1755–1773), historians speculate local jesuit professors have observed phenomena have convinced them heliocentrism correct. indeed, jaszlinszky rejected ptolemaic approach.

jaszlinszky author of tractatus theologicus de angelis, beatitudine et actibus humanis (trnava, 1762/1769, 574 pp) , possibly geographica (1761), in addition institutiones logicae (trnava, 1754, 164 pp) , institutiones metaphysicae (trnava, 1755, 288 pp), consistent how ratio studiorum (1599) applied following christopher clavius.

a copy of physica generalis provided google books. images of textbook title pages available. each of these textbooks worth approximately $150 depending on condition.

the plates shown below copy owned multiple professors @ collegio romano around 1762.


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