Loyalism and military operations Loyalist (American Revolution)

1 loyalism , military operations

1.1 numbers of loyalists
1.2 slavery , black loyalists
1.3 loyalist women
1.4 loyalism in canada
1.5 military service

loyalism , military operations

in opening months of revolutionary war, patriots laid siege boston, of british forces stationed. elsewhere there few british troops , patriots seized control of levels of government, supplies of arms , gunpowder. these actions not without resistance. in new york, new jersey, , parts of north , south carolina, there considerable ambivalence patriot cause. vocal loyalists, encouragement , assistance of royal governors, recruited people side. in south carolina backcountry loyalist recruitment oustripped of patriots. brief siege @ ninety 6 in fall of 1775 followed rapid rise in patriot recruiting , snow campaign involving thousands of partisan militia resulted in arrest or flight of of backcountry loyalist leadership. north carolina backcountry scots , former regulators joined forces in 1776, broken force @ battle of moore s creek bridge.

by july 4, 1776 patriots had gained control of virtually territory in 13 colonies, , expelled royal officials. no 1 openly proclaimed loyalty crown allowed remain, moment, loyalists fled or kept quiet. of remained later gave aid invading british armies or joined uniformed loyalist regiments.

the british forced out of boston march 17, 1776; regrouped @ halifax , attacked new york in august, handing convincing defeat george washington s army @ long island , capturing new york city , vicinity. british forces occupy area around mouth of hudson river until 1783. british forces seize control of other cities, including philadelphia (1777), savannah (1778–83) , charleston (1780–82), various slices of countryside. 90% of colonial population lived outside cities, effective result being congress controlled 80–90% of population. british removed governors colonies patriots in control, loyalist civilian government re-established in coastal georgia 1779 1782, despite presence of patriot forces in northern part of georgia. essentially, british able maintain power in areas had strong military presence.

numbers of loyalists

historian robert calhoon wrote in 2000, concerning proportion of loyalists patriots in thirteen colonies:

historians best estimates put proportion of adult white male loyalists somewhere between 15 , 20 percent. approximately half colonists of european ancestry tried avoid involvement in struggle—some of them deliberate pacifists, others recent immigrants, , many more simple apolitical folk. patriots received active support perhaps 40 45 percent of white populace, , @ no more bare majority.

a jury finding kentucky county, virginia in july 1780, confiscating lands of 2 men adjudged british subject. daniel boone listed member of jury.

before calhoon s work, estimates of loyalist share of population higher, @ one-third, these estimates seen high scholars. adams did indeed estimate in letter of year in american revolution, patriots had struggle against approximately one-third of population, while constituted two-thirds of it; did not mention neutrals. in 1968 historian paul h. smith estimated there 400,000 loyalists, or 16% of white population 0f 2.25 million in 1780.

historian robert middlekauff summarized scholarly research on nature of loyalist support follows:

the largest number of loyalists found in middle colonies: many tenant farmers of new york supported king, example, did many of dutch in colony , in new jersey. germans in pennsylvania tried stay out of revolution, many quakers did, , when failed, clung familiar connection rather embrace new. highland scots in carolinas, fair number of anglican clergy , parishioners in connecticut , new york, few presbyterians in southern colonies, , large number of iroquois indians stayed loyal king.

johnson hall, seat of sir john johnson in mohawk valley

new york city , long island british military , political base of operations in north america 1776 1783 , had large concentration of loyalists, many of whom refugees other states.

according calhoon, loyalists tended older , wealthier, there many loyalists of humble means. many active church of england members became loyalists. recent arrivals britain, scotland, had high loyalist proportion. loyalists in southern colonies suppressed local patriots, controlled local , state government. many people—including former regulators in north carolina — refused join rebellion, had earlier protested against corruption local authorities later became revolutionary leaders. oppression local whigs during regulation led many of residents of backcountry north carolina sitting out revolution or siding loyalists.

in areas under patriot control, loyalists subject confiscation of property, , outspoken supporters of king threatened public humiliation such tarring , feathering, or physical attack. not known how many loyalist civilians harassed patriots, treatment warning other loyalists not take arms. in september 1775, william drayton , loyalist leader colonel thomas fletchall signed treaty of neutrality in interior community of ninety six, south carolina. actively aiding british army when occupied philadelphia, 2 residents of city tried treason, convicted, , executed returning patriot forces.

slavery , black loyalists

a black loyalist wood cutter @ shelburne, nova scotia in 1788

as result of looming crisis in 1775 royal governor of virginia, lord dunmore, issued proclamation promised freedom servants , slaves able bear arms , join loyalist ethiopian regiment. many of slaves in south joined loyalists intentions of gaining freedom , escaping south. 800 did so; helped rout virginia militia @ battle of kemp s landing , fought in battle of great bridge on elizabeth river, wearing motto liberty slaves , time defeated. remains of regiment involved in evacuation of norfolk, after served in chesapeake area. camp had set there suffered outbreak of smallpox , other diseases. took heavy toll, putting many of them out of action time. there slave name of boston king joined loyalists , wound catching smallpox. boston king , other soldiers sick relocated different part of camp did not contaminate healthy soldiers. survivors joined other british units , continued serve throughout war. black colonials first come forward volunteer , total of 12,000 african americans served british 1775 1783. factor had effect of forcing rebels offer freedom serve in continental army; however, such promises reneged upon both sides.

americans gained freedom fighting british became known black loyalists. british honored pledge of freedom in new york city through efforts of general guy carleton recorded names of african americans had supported british in document called book of negroes granted freedom slaves had escaped , assisted british. 4,000 black loyalists went british colonies of nova scotia , new brunswick, british promised them land. founded communities across 2 provinces, many of still exist today. on 2,500 settled in birchtown, nova scotia, instantly making largest free black community in north america. however, inferior grants of land given , prejudices of white loyalists in nearby shelburne regularly harassed settlement in events such shelburne riots in 1784, made life difficult community. in 1791 britain s sierra leone company offered transport dissatisfied black loyalists british colony of sierra leone in africa, promise of better land , more equality. 1,200 left nova scotia sierra leone, named capital freetown. after 1787 became sierra leone s ruling elite. 400 1,000 free blacks joined british side in revolution went london , joined free black community of 10,000 there.

loyalist women

while men out fighting crown, women served @ home protecting land , property. @ end of war, many loyalist men left america shelter of england, leaving wives , daughters protect land main punishment loyalist families expropriation of property, married women protected under feme covert , meant had no political identity , legal rights absorbed husbands. created awkward dilemma confiscation committees: confiscating land of such women punish her husband s actions. in fact, many women punished in way. grace growden galloway recorded experience in diary. galloway s property seized rebels , spent rest of life fighting regain it. returned heirs in 1783, after , husband had died.

loyalism in canada

tory refugees on way canada howard pyle

rebel agents active in quebec (which called canada , name of earlier french province) in months leading outbreak of active hostilities. john brown, agent of boston committee of correspondence, worked canadian merchant thomas walker , other rebel sympathisers during winter of 1774–1775 convince inhabitants support actions of first continental congress. however, many of quebec s inhabitants remained neutral, resisting service either british or americans.

although canadians took arms in support of rebellion, majority remained loyal king. french canadians had been satisfied british government s quebec act of 1774, offered religious , linguistic toleration; in general, did not sympathize rebellion saw being led protestants new england, commercial rivals , hereditary enemies. of english-speaking settlers had arrived following british conquest of canada in 1759–1760, , unlikely support separation britain. older british colonies, newfoundland , nova scotia (including new brunswick) remained loyal , contributed military forces in support of crown.

in late 1775 continental army sent force quebec, led general richard montgomery , colonel benedict arnold, goal of convincing residents of quebec join revolution. although minority of canadians openly expressed loyalty king george, 1,500 militia fought king in siege of fort st. jean. in region south of montreal occupied continentals, inhabitants supported rebellion , raised 2 regiments join patriot forces.

in nova scotia, there many yankee settlers new england, , supported principles of revolution. element declining in relative numbers , influence due influx of recent immigration british isles, , remained neutral during war, , influx greatest in halifax. britain in case built powerful forces @ naval base of halifax after failure of jonathan eddy capture fort cumberland in 1776. although continentals captured montreal in november 1775, turned month later @ quebec city combination of british military under governor guy carleton, difficult terrain , weather, , indifferent local response. continental forces driven quebec in 1776, after breakup of ice on st. lawrence river , arrival of british transports in may , june. there no further serious attempt challenge british control of present-day canada until war of 1812.

in 1777, 1,500 loyalist militia took part in saratoga campaign in new york, , surrendered general burgoyne after battles of saratoga in october. rest of war, quebec acted base raiding expeditions, conducted loyalists , indians, against frontier communities.

military service

the loyalists attempted political organization. passive unless regular british army units in area. british, however, assumed highly activist loyalist community ready mobilize , planned of strategy around raising loyalist regiments. british provincial line, consisting of americans enlisted on regular army status, enrolled 19,000 loyalists (50 units , 312 companies). maximum strength of loyalist provincial line 9,700 in december 1780. in 19,000 @ 1 time or soldiers or militia in british forces. loyalists south carolina fought british in battle of camden. british forces @ battle of monck s corner , battle of lenud s ferry consisted entirely of loyalists exception of commanding officer (banastre tarleton). both white , black loyalists fought british @ battle of kemp s landing in virginia.


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